Why I Chose SCU– and Why You Might Too!
In my 8th-grade poetry journal, on the Bucket List page, sit the words “Go to college at Santa Clara University.” Though making that list was an assignment for class, the conviction was true: I’ve known I wanted to go to Santa Clara University (SCU) since I was around 13 years old. This is not that common, of course, as most students have no idea where they want to go. There are a lot of factors: location, size, academics, sports, weather, the surrounding area, and much more. Staying in-state is important to a lot of students, while others want to embark on a new adventure further from home. Every student is unique and has their own set of criteria for the school that best fits them. For me, SCU checked all the boxes. Here’s why I made the decision—and why it might be the right fit for you, too.