Hometown: La Selva Beach, CA
Alma Mater: Boston College, UCLA
I Think SCU Is a Great University Because: there is a tangible emphasis on building community and faculty/staff focus on engagement.
Favorite Class in College: The Challenge of Justice
Hobbies & Interests: hiking, hand lettering, playing with pups
Fun Fact: I worked at a surf shop for 7 years, but I have never been surfing in my life!
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Are you beginning the college application process? As you browse through college websites, you’ve probably come across a lot of new terms. It can be a bit confusing, especially since universities often have their own vocabulary to explain what they offer. To clear up any confusion, we want to walk you through some terms that we use at Santa Clara University.

Writing your college essays isn’t always easy. To help ease the process (and make it a little more fun), we asked our SCU Ambassadors to reflect on their own experiences and share songs that helped inspire and push them through the challenge of writing their college application essays.