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Welcome Class of 1974

Your 50th reunion is right around the corner! This class page will be the hub of information leading up to the weekend featuring information about the 50+ events, registration, hotel information, and more!

Contact with any inquiries.

Register Today!

It's almost time for the reunion of a lifetime! Experience Santa Clara (again) and register before prices increase on Sept. 13!

Look Who’s Coming

155 classmates including:

Rosanne (Dunnigan) Adona
Dave Alvarado
Dan Anderson
Michael Anselmo
Chris Armbrust
Dale (MacDonald) Auffenberg
Tom Auffenberg
 Barbara J. Beck
Ron Beltramo
Larry Black
Scott Bonfiglio
Barbara Boyle
Peggy (O'Hara) Breen
 William Brown
Pamela (Radovich) Buck
Edward Burke
Michael Burns
Rosemary (Williams) Burson
Shannon (Haire) Buscho 
Peggy Campbell
Tina Caratan
Dan Caserza
Judith (Palmer) Castor 
Bill Chambers
Cathleen (Armstrong) Cobb
Genita (Kovacevich) Costello
Kevin Costello
Patrice (Koda) Coyle
Fred Crary
Alexander Damascus
Louise Damberg
James Daugherty
Eugene Delyon
Patrice Lani (Rousseau) Delyon
Paul Derania
Celeste (Arbios) Dier
Christopher Dier
Marie (Hill) Douglas
Dave Dowell
Tom Doyle
Philip Duhe
Anita Enander
John Falk
Jeanine (Rodgers) Faria
Michael Fay
James Flaherty
Tim Flatley
Tom Fletcher
Paul Fry
Nancy (O'Drain) Furnish

Dante Giannini
Tom Goethals
Margaret Golden
Jane (Fravel) Gordon
Jerry Grant
Barbara Hagedorn
Linda (Bader) Harroff
Blaque Lyn Haston
Joanna (Fonseca) Haston 
Christina (Conrad) Haupt
Steven Hausle
William Helfrich
John Hickman
Elena (Eckersdorf) Hobbs-Minor 
Margherita (Dan) Hollenbacher
Charles Huff III
Marti Kambe
Debra (Iaconis) Kearney
Karen Keenan
Thomas Kelly
Mary Lou Kresbsbach
Andrew Kryder
Susan Lacosta
Lynn (Linkenheimer) Lankford
Margaret (Kurzeka) Larrenaga
Tom Lucas, S.J. 
Mary Ann Maguire
Steven Malcoun
Maureen Mallon
Glen Marchant
Keith Mathews
Steven Mattos
Maureen (Goulding) McCluney
Kathryn McKeon-Serrano
Kenneth Mello
Michael Meyer
John Micek III
Craig Moore
Jeffrey Moore
Steve Moore
Michael Morgan 
JoAnn (McDonald) Morley
Kay (Charleton) Morrison
Joanne (Sabatino) Moul
James Murphy
Norma Navarro
Deborah (Vicas) Nystrom
Antionette (Hanley) O'Brien
Francis O'Connor
Jim O'Hanlon
Jim Obermeyer
George Osgood
Harry Pariani
Stephen Patricio
Tom Pennello
Marie (Faggiano) Piccardo
Nancy (Tomjack) Polnoff
Brady Pringle
Thomas Quinlan

Michael Radford
Kathleen (Doffing) Rauber
Janie Rebaleati
Chris Regalia
Tom Renville
Tom Robinson
Mary Ellen Rockdale
Ed Rodriguez
Blanche (Egan) Romey
Kara Lee (Macey) Ruckriegel
Robert Ruggeri
Randolph Santo
Dave Santos
Donna (Schroyer) Schrieber
Maureen (Strohm) Schumacher
Percy Serrano
Steve Shea
David Silva
James Simunovich
Rosemary (Kearney) Stuebing
Dorothy (Bianchini) Suarez
Tom Suhr
Kevin Sweeney
Eric Tandy
Patty Tedesco
Al Thomas
Jim Tomasello
Mary Tompkins Lewis
Terry Trucco
Kevin Tully
Carol (Burke) Van Brunt
Jeffrey Van Brunt
Susan Eskridge Vieth
Bill Wagner
Ricky Wallace
Kathleen (Von Der Ahe) Whalen
Jim Wilhelm
Regina Williams 
Kathleen (Weinheimer) Wilson
Karl Winkelman
Katherine (Brigantino) Winkelman
Stacey Wong
Tom Zipse


Get Ready for Grand Reunion

2004 dance floor
Navigate here to Schedule of Events
Schedule of Events

View the array of exciting events happening at Grand Reunion this weekend.

Arrow Spilt Display Mimic Icon  View the Schedule

Navigate here to Hotel Reservations
Hotel Reservations

Lock in our exclusive room rate with the San Jose Marriott Downtown. 

Arrow Spilt Display Mimic Icon  Book Your Room

Young Alumni
Navigate here to Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions

Find the answers to your most burning reunion questions.

Arrow Spilt Display Mimic Icon  View FAQs



Learn about Grand Reunion Committees!

Help bring back your class for reunion and create buzz to make this a 'can’t-miss' event for you and your classmates.

See Who Has Already Joined!

One Column
Class Photo Albums

Check out your class album on Flickr to take a trip down memory lane! If you have any photos you'd like to contribute, please send them over to and be sure to include your class year in your submission email.

View Your Album

Submit a Photo



If you have any questions, contact Matthew Bright at or Maureen Muscat ’91, MBA ’99 at


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