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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Department ofEconomics

Selected Publications

Exchange Rate Disconnect Revisited

Vito Cormun, Ryan Chahrour, Pierre De Leo, Pablo Guerron, and Rosen Valchev

NBER Working Paper 32596 June 2024

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We find that variation in expected U.S. productivity explains over half of G6 exchange rate fluctuations vis-a-vis the USD. Both correctly-anticipated changes in productivity and expectational “noise,” which influences expectations of productivity but not the actual realization, have significant effects on exchange rates. Together, these two types of disturbances explain many unconditional exchange rate patterns, including predictable excess returns, low Backus-Smith correlations, and excess volatility. Our findings suggest these well-known puzzles have a common empirical origin, which is linked to (expected) productivity. We also discuss how noise in expectations has obscured the relationship between exchange rates and fundamentals in the empirical approaches undertaken in prior work. 

LSB Research, ECON, Vito Cormun, Working Papers