For Community Partners

The College of Arts and Sciences welcomes the opportunity to partner with local and regional people and organizations. We look forward to creating meaningful connections between you and our students for a variety of experiential learning opportunities. Please contact Sarah Hays to begin a conversation.
Shadowing is a powerful, short-term opportunity to introduce students to professional roles and opportunities. From one day to one week, if you are interested in joining our list of shadowing resources, please contact Sarah Hays.
Students in the College of Arts and Sciences are eager to learn from men and women in their future professions. If you would like to serve as a mentor, please contact us to discuss further.
Are you in need of students to bring their enthusiasm and good spirits to your organization in a volunteer capacity? We are happy to help spread the word and encourage students to check out your organization. Tell us about what you do and what your needs are; we’ll get you connected!
Is your organization looking for a Bronco that is ready to integrate their academic knowledge with experience? Let our College of Arts and Sciences students know by having the Director of Internships share your positions. Hoping to find the ideal student? Contact Sarah Hays; she can help screen applicants on your behalf.
Great companies are the ones that choose to make a difference in their communities.