Paul Abbyad
Associate Professor
- Email: Contact Form
- Phone: 408-554-6948
- Location: Sobrato Campus for Discovery and Innovation, 2117L Campus Map
- Website:
Degree Information
Ph.D. Stanford University, Stanford, CA
B.Sc., McGill University, Montreal, Canada
Microfluidic nanoliter droplets for applications in biological and chemical assays
National Science Foundation Career Award, 2018-2023
National Institutes of Health R15 Award, 2018-2021
Henry Dreyfus Teaching-Scholar Award, 2019-2024
- Biophysical Chemistry (Chem 150)
- Physical Chemistry Lab (Chem 154)
- Dobson, C*; Zielke, C; Pan, CW*; Feit, C*; Abbyad, P (2020) Method for Passive Droplet Sorting after PhotoTagging Micromachines Vol 11 Issue 11, 10.3390/mi11110964
- Zielke, C; Pan, CW* Gutierrez Ramirez, A*; Feit, C*; Dobson, C*; Davidson, C*; Sandel, B; Abbyad, P (2020) “Microfluidic Platform for the Isolation of Cancer-Cell Subpopulations based on Single-Cell Glycolysis” Analytical Chemistry (accepted).
- H. Horvath, D.G*; Braza, S*; Moore, T; Lunch, A*; Feit, C*; Abbyad, P (2019) Sorting by Interfacial Tension (SIFT): Label-Free Enzyme Sorting Using Droplet Microfluidics. Analytica Chimica Acta (in press).
- Pan, CW*; Horvath, DG*; Braza, S*; Moore, T*; Lynch, A*; Feit C*; Abbyad, P (2019) Sorting by interfacial tension (SIFT): Label-free selection of live cells based on single-cell metabolism Lab on a Chip, Advance Article Front Cover of Journal; Selected by the Editor as a “HOT” paper designated to the top 10% of papers published in journal.
- Sengupta, D; Mongersun, A; Kim, TJ; Mongersun, K*; von Eyben, R; Abbyad, P; Pratx, G (2019) Multiplexed Single-Cell Measurements of FDG Uptake and Lactate Release Using Droplet Microfluidics Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment 18: 1-9.
- Gallina, ME; Kim, TJ; Shelor, M; Vasquez, J; Mongersun, A*; Kim, M; Tang, S; Abbyad, P; Pratx, G (2017) Towards a droplet radiometric assay for single-cell analysis Analytical Chemistry 89 (12), pp 6472–6481.
- Mongersun A,Smeenk I*, Pratx G, Asuri, P, Abbyad, P (2016) Droplet Microfluidic Platform for the Determination of Single-Cell Lactate Release Analytical Chemistry 88(6):3257–3263.
- Türkcan S; Nguyen J*; Vilalta M; Shen B; Chin F T, Pratx G, Abbyad, P (2015) Single-Cell Analysis of [18F]Fluorodeoxyglucose Uptake by Droplet Radiofluidics Analytical Chemistry 87 (13), 6667–6673.
- Tullis J*; Park, C.L.*; Abbyad, P (2014) Selective fusion of anchored droplets via changes in surfactant concentration Lab on a Chip, 14, 3285-3289.
- Fradet E; Abbyad, P.; Vos, M.; Baroud C.N. (2013) Parallel measurements of reaction kinetics using ultralow-volumes Lab on a Chip, 13, 4326-4330 Front Cover of Journal.
- Abbyad, P; Dangla, R; Alexandrou, A; Baroud, CN (2011) Rails and Anchors: Guiding and Trapping Droplet Microreactors in Two Dimensions. Lab on a Chip 11 (5), 813 – 821
- Abbyad, P; Tharaux P-L; Martin J-L; Baroud, CN; Alexandrou, A (2010) Sickling of Red Blood Cells through Rapid Oxygen Exchange in Microfluidic Drops. Lab on a Chip 10, 2505- 2512 Inside front cover of Issue No.19
*Undergraduate Authors