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Department ofChemistry and Biochemistry


Two people sitting by a fireplace with Christmas decorations.

Two people sitting by a fireplace with Christmas decorations.

Tony Seidl

After graduating, I worked at a startup in Sunnyvale called Senova developing a pH meter. To tell the truth, it never really worked that well in my opinion. The company ran out of money for a 2nd time and had to lay me off, so then I went to work at Dionex, also in Sunnyvale. There, I made ion exchange and ion chromatography resin (functionalized polystyrene divinylbenzene copolymer). When the economy picked up, I got 3 job offers at once, and I decided to take a job at Oronite which is in Richmond, north of Berkeley. I've been there since December 2011 developing lubricant additives.

I met my wife Shannon in 2010 and we got married in June 2012. We have a daughter, Anna, and another child on the way due this August. Our hobbies include working on cars, making beer, sauerkraut, yogurt, and other great stuff, and playing with Anna.

My brother, Fritz (2012), went to grad school at Stanford working to get his PhD developing enantioselective and regioselective catalysts for epoxidation or bromochlorination of alkenes.