Michael teaches Philosophy is the California Bay Area. He also publishes Philosophy and started writing fiction a few years ago.
A double major in Economics and Philosophy and a minor in Classics, Johana currently is the Program Manager of Fellowships and Internships for the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics within SCU!
A double major in Classical Studies and Greek & Latin, Linda went on to pursue her Master's in Counseling Psychology at USF.
As you may remember, the department hosts three events to celebrate our students every spring quarter.
One of our new initiatives is an award for students coming into Santa Clara with backgrounds in Greek and Latin.
In October, the department had its first joint student-alumni mixer in connection with Grand Reunion Weekend.
Double major in Classical Studies and Political Science, with minors in International Business and French and Francophone Studies
Double major in Classical Studies and Classical Languages and Literature
Classical Languages and Literatures major and Ancient Studies minor
Double major in Classical Studies and Political Science
Evan is the Assistant Director for Policy, Accountability, and Critical Events at the University of Virginia, where he also teaches in the Politics Department in the Program on Constitutionalism and Democracy.
Linda moved to Ireland in 2015 and recently completed a Diploma in Human Resource Practice.
Double major in Classical Studies and History
Joanna earned a Ph.D. in Religious Studies from Duke University and is teaching at William & Mary in Virginia.
Faculty updates December 2024
Double major in Classical Studies and Finance
Since graduation Gabriel has spent nine months teaching in Paris and is currently on a five month stint exploring his fatherland of Australia.
Nicholas Lindberg joined our department as Assistant Professor in Fall 2022.
William s now a CPA in public accounting serving private companies.
Having joined us in December 2023, Heidi serves as manager for both History and Classics.
Our newest hire, Jordan Cohen joined our department as Assistant Teaching Professor in Fall 2024.
The importance of appearance in politics is frequently lamented as a modern innovation. It is thought that in a prior, more sober, age, candidates were judged on the merits of their positions rather than the contents of their wardrobes. Nothing could be further from the truth.
Nicholas Lindberg on what sōphrosynē can do for democracy to keep giant gulfs between citizens from forming.
Classics major Max Gavenman ’22 transcribed religious artifacts from Latin to English and learned about life in ancient Rome in an internship through the REAL program.