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Department ofEnglish


Celebrating Dr. Simone Billings’ Retirement from the SCU English Department!

A summary of the event/party held for Simone Billings’ retirement from being a faculty member in the SCU English Department

A summary of the event/party held for Simone Billings’ retirement from being a faculty member in the SCU English Department

By Júlia von Gersdorff

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, in the Adobe Lodge, the English Department celebrated the retirement of the wonderful Dr. Simone J. Billings, who has been teaching at Santa Clara University since 1980: a total of 44 years! Dr. Billings’s contributions to the English Department and the university as a whole are innumerable, and the prestigious teaching awards she has received over the years, as well as the sheer number of people in attendance of her retirement party, were a testament to this tremendous impact. As Julia Voss put it:

"The number of people gathered here today – especially the number of former colleagues and students in attendance – testifies to Simone’s contribution to Santa Clara’s mission to educate citizens and leaders of competence, conscience, and compassion."

The event was opened by Dr. Voss, the English Department Chair, and followed by speeches from many of Simone’s colleagues, friends, and former students: Diane Dreher (Professor Emerita in English), Julie Jigour ’08, Jill Goodman Gould (Senior Lecturer Emerita in English), Michele Benedetto Neitz ’97, Patti Simone (Professor of Psychology), Neil Ferron ’05, and J.P. Lacrampe (Senior Lecturer in English). Every speech was tailored specifically to how that person knew and interacted with Dr. Billings; however, one resounding truth ended all of them: Dr. Billings is not just an excellent professor but also an admirable human being who has made a tremendous impact on the lives of almost everyone she has met here at Santa Clara University. Dr. Billings herself also made some closing remarks as the guest of honor, which left everyone teary-eyed full of gratitude.

Refreshments were enjoyed by all, and the socialization continued long after the formal part of the ceremony was over. Colleagues and friends alike connected, telling stories and funny anecdotes about Dr. Billings’ iconic wit and intelligence, laughing, and taking pictures. The warmth of the evening, and yet, its bittersweetness, was felt by all. Dr. Billings has been an invaluable part of the English Department for a long time now–her absence will certainly not go unnoticed.

Thank you, Dr. Billings, for 44 years of teaching us all how to be dedicated teachers, active learners, and diligent workers.

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