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Department of Environmental Studies and Sciences

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Jules Holland and Chris Bacon at the Forge Garden

Jules Holland and Chris Bacon at the Forge Garden

Jules Holland Receives ESS and University Awards

Jules wins Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. & Lucky Hinkle Sustainability Award

In recognition of her remarkable contributions across Santa Clara University's campus, Jules Holland received two prestigious honors upon graduating.

The Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J. Award

This award, presented by the University President to an exemplary graduating senior, celebrates the ideals of Jesuit education, particularly being a "whole person of solidarity in the real world." It stands as one of the top five awards offered by the University across all students.  This is the only award that a student cannot be nominated for. It is only given when the President feels there is a student deserving of such a high honor. 

Jules exemplified the principles of the award throughout her time at Santa Clara. Most notably, she served as President of the Into the Wild organization, promoting environmental stewardship. Additionally, her internship with the Miller Center in the Philippines last summer allowed her to contribute to sustainable development. There, she conducted research on raw materials used by artisans, helping them enhance their circular economy practices. 

Jules' impact extended beyond environmental causes. Recognizing the need for reform in the criminal justice system, she also interned with The Bail Project, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting individuals in securing bail release.


The Lucky Hinkle Sustainability Award

The Environmental Studies and Sciences (ESS) faculty awarded Jules Holland the Lucky Hinkley Award for her outstanding contributions to promoting sustainability during her time as President of Into the Wild. Through this student organization, she cultivated a culture of sustainability on campus, providing students with opportunities to reconnect with nature through simple acts of grounding themselves in sand or soil. This facilitated a profound connection to the earth and, in turn, helped students implement sustainability into their own lives. Under her leadership, students embarked on countless trips, built new relationships, and formed a community that contributed to their sense of belonging and commitment to sustainability.

Beyond her leadership roles, Jules’ welcoming and warm attitude, outstanding academic achievement, and active participation in various events and spaces across the University contributed to her receiving these accolades. She is also a first-rate researcher, having worked for several years in the Agroecology, Climate Resilience and Food Justice Lab directed by Professor Bacon. Jules often led student work on basic needs, food security, and served on the campus-wide student basic needs committee.

As she reflects on the time she has spent at Santa Clara, she departs the community with profound respect and gratitude for the environment Santa Clara provided, which allowed her to challenge herself, learn, and grow alongside her peers and faculty. She is deeply thankful for all the opportunities Santa Clara offered and eagerly looks forward to giving back to the world both personally and professionally, committed to a career in sustainability and social impact. 

Senior Awards 2024

Jules Holland leads a group of Santa Clara University students on the Kalalau Trail in Kauai during Spring Break, connecting them with the beautiful Na Pali Coast through Into the Wild.


Senior Awards 2024

Jules Holland welcomes a group of incoming Santa Clara University freshmen on an Into the Wild adventure trip to the Channel Islands.



Jules Holland accepting the ESS Department's Lucky Hinkle Award during the Class of 2024 senior send off celebration. Congratulations again, Jules!