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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science

About Us

Studying Mathematics and Computer Science

In a world that is ever more dependent on science and technology, mathematics and computer science provide individuals with the knowledge and skills to be part of ever-developing fields that were not even imagined a decade ago. In addition, jobs related to mathematics and computer science are rated among the best jobs in the U.S. today. For example, the U.S. News and World Report's top jobs in America list software developer (no. 3), IT manager (no. 4), information security analyst (no. 7), data scientist (no. 8), actuary (no. 9), statistician (no. 12), and web developer (no. 21) among the top 25 jobs.

Studying Mathematics and Computer Science at Santa Clara 

The University's location in Silicon Valley, home to campuses of IBM, Apple, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard, Netscape, 3Com, Cisco Systems, Genentech, Yahoo, Google, eBay, Facebook, and other high-tech companies, both large and small, offers many opportunities for contacts by faculty and students alike with the innovative high-tech industry.

Studying Mathematics and Computer Science in the College of Arts and Sciences

Since the departments in the College of Arts and Sciences are almost entirely undergraduate, faculty devote their attention to undergraduate students. Regular faculty, not teaching assistants, provide all instruction. Class sizes are relatively small: lower-division sections tend to have fewer than 40 students, and most upper-division sections have fewer than 25. Liberal arts programs, such as those offered in the College of Arts and Sciences,  prepare individuals for life-long learning and the ability to adapt to changing situations, in addition to preparing them for fulfilling careers.

The Wonders of the World of Mathematics and Computers

Take a moment to watch an award-winning computer-generated video about a geometrical transformation, Möbius Transformations Revealed and get a taste of what is studied in advanced mathematics and computer courses.