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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science

Marco Atzori

Marco Atzori



1989  B.S. in Physics, University of Trieste, Italy
1993  M.Sci. in Biophysics (S.I.S.S.A./I.S.A.S., Trieste, Italy)
1995  Ph.D. in Biophysics (S.I.S.S.A./I.S.A.S., Trieste, Italy)
1996-2000    Post-Doctoral Fellow:  UT Memphis, TN; NIH, Bethesda, MD 

Published Research

- Electrophysiology and morphology of GABA cells in hippocampus and neocortex
- Neuropeptide and monoamine modulation of GABAergic synaptic transmission
- Dynamics and properties of cortical glutamatergic synaptic transmission
- Voltage gated K+ channels- Physiology of auditory receptors- Role of acetylcholine and monoamines in the temporal and prefrontal cortex
- Action of monoamines and cholinomimetics on attention
- Monoamine and acetylcholine direct modulation of NMDA receptors
- Correlation between inflammation and epileptic seizures
- Effects of inflammation on inhibitory GABAergic transmission
- Organic Chemistry Analytical Methods: Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometry
- Use of MR Imaging for Clinical Diagnosis in Neurology
- Effect of diet and lipids on synaptic transmission- Effects of diabetes on erythrocyte morhology
- Effect of natural extracts on depression and behavior
- Vagal Nerve Stimulation modulation of cortical activity
- Interactions between inflammation and stress 

Animal Models and Clinical Applications

- Auditory function
- Attention Deficit Disorders
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Epilepsy, Schizophrenia, Psychoses
- Disorders of the Anxiety Spectrum
- Lipopolisaccharide
- induced inflammation (aseptic inflammation)
- Social Defeat, anhedonia
- Vagal Nerve Stimulation (VNS) 

Laboratory Techniques

- Brain Slice Physiology
- In-vivo neurophysiology
- Neuroanatomy and Immunohistochemistry
- Animal Behavioral testing
- Stress protocols
- Magnetic resonance (imaging and spectroscopy)

Selected Publications

Cuevas-Olguin R, Esquivel-Rendon E, Vargas-Mireles J, Barajas-L?pez C, Salgado-Delgado R, Saderi N, Arias HR, Atzori M, Miranda-Morales Nicotine smoking concentrations modulate GABAergic synaptic transmission in murine medial prefrontal cortex by activation of α7* and β2* nicotinic receptors. M.Eur J Neurosci. 2020 Feb;51(3):781-792

E. Esquivel-Rendón E et al., Interleukin 6 dependent synaptic plasticity in a social defeat-susceptible prefrontal cortex circuit, Neuroscience 2019, 414: 280-296

R. Cuevas-Olguin et al., Interleukin 6 trans-signaling regulates basal synaptic transmission and sensitivity to pentylenetetrazole-induced seizures in mice Synapse 2017, Sep; 71(9). doi: 10.1002/syn.21984. Epub 2017 May 13.

R. Cuevas-Olguin et al., Cerebrolysin prevents deficits in social behavior, repetitive conduct, and synaptic inhibition in a rat model of autism J. Neurosci. Res. 2017, Jun 13. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24072.

M. Atzori et al. Locus Ceruleus Norepinephrine release: a Central Regulator of CNSSpatio-Temporal Activation? Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, 2016 Aug 26;8:25. doi: 10.3389/fnsyn.2016.00025.eCollection 2016

H.Salgado Burgos et al. Layer- and area-specific actions of norepinephrine on cortical synaptic transmission Brain Research, 2016, 1641, 163-76.M.

Atzori, M. Mejia-Torres Nicotine for psychiatric disease: from nuisance to novel treatment? Future Medicinal Chemistry 2015, 7(10), 1217-20

F. Garcia-Oscos et al., Activation of the anti-inflammatory reflex blocks lipopolysaccharide-induced decrease in synaptic inhibition in the temporal cortex of the rat Journal of Neuroscience Research 2015, Jan 27. doi: 10.1002/jnr.23550.

F. Garcia-Oscos et al., Vagal nerve stimulation blocks interleukin 6-dependent synaptic hyperexcitability induced by lipopolysaccharide-induced acute stress in the rodent prefrontal cortex. Brain Behav Immun. 2015 Jan; 43:149-58. doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2014.07.020.

S. Roychowdhury et al., Layer- and area-specificity of the adrenergic modulation of synaptictransmission in the rat neocortex Neurochem. Res. 2014, 39 (Dec): 2377-84

G. Flores, M. Atzori The potential of Cerebrolysin in the treatment of Schizophrenia. Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 2014, 5: 691-704. 

A. Banerjee et al., Impairment of cortical GABAergic synaptic transmission in an environmental rat model of autism Int. J. Neuropsychopharmacology, 2013 Jul;16(6):1309-18 

S. Roychowdhury et al., α2- and β-adrenoceptors involvement in nortriptyline modulation of auditory sustained attention and impulsivity Psychopharmacol., 2013 Jul: 16(6):1309-18 

M. Atzori et al., Role of Interleukin 6 in the etiology of hyper-excitable neuropsychiatric conditions: experimental evidence and therapeutical implications Future Medicinal Chemistry, 2012 Nov;4(17):2177-92 

D.C. Brown II et al., α Adenergic receptors in auditory cue detection: α2 receptor blockade suppresses false alarm responding in the rat Neuropharmacol., 2012 62: 2178-83 

F. Garcia-Oscos et al., The stress-induced cytokine interleukin-6 decreases the inhibition/excitation ratio in the rat temporal cortex via trans-signaling Biol. Psych. 2012, 71: 574-82

J. Nichols et al., Vagus nerve stimulation modulates cortical synchrony and excitabilitythrough the activation of muscarinic receptors Neuroscience, 2011, 25:189-207

H.Salgado et al., Dynamic modulation of short-term synaptic plasticity in the auditory cortex: the role ofnorepinephrine.  Hearing Res. 2011, 271: 26-36 

H. Salgado et al., Layer specific Norepinephrine modulation of inhibition in cortical layer II/III Cerebral Cortex, 2011, 21:212-21 

C.D. Brown II et al., Nicotinic modulation of Auditory Attentional Shift in the Rat Brain Research, 2010, 210:273-9 M.

Bose et al., Effect of the environment on the dendritic morphology of the rat auditory cortex Synapse, 2010, 64: 97-110.   

L. Dinh et al., Norepinephrine homogeneously inhibits AMPAR-mediated currents in all layers of the temporal cortex of the rat. Neurochem. Res. 2009 34:1896-906. 

J. Flores-Hernandez et al., Cholinergic direct block of N-methyl-D aspartate receptor-mediated currents in the rat auditory cortex. Synapse, 2009, 63, 308-18.

R.D. Paz et al. Glutamatergic Dysfunction in schizophrenia: from basic neuroscience to clinical psychopharmacology Eur. Neuropsychopharm. 2008, 18, 773-86.

H. Salgado et al., M2 muscarinic receptors decrease the release of GABA in the auditory cortex by modulating Ca2+ channels through activation of PI3K/PKC J. Neurophysiol. 2007, 98: 952-65.

J. Nichols et al., Environmental enrichment selectively increases excitatory synaptictransmission to layer 2/3 in the temporal cortex Neuroscience, 2007, 145, 832-40.

F. Dufour et al. Effects of cholesterol-rich diet on the rat on spatial memory Brain Res. 2006, 1103, 88-98. 

C. Cui et al., Voltage-dependent Block of NMDA Receptors by Dopamine D1 Receptor Ligands Molecular Pharm. 2006, 70, 1761-70.

M. Atzori et al., Dopamine prevents muscarinic-induced decrease of glutamate release in the auditory cortex Neuroscience, 2005, 134, 1153-65.

M. Atzori et al., Interlaminar differences of activation threshold in the aud. cortex of the rat. Hearing Res. 2004, 189, 101-6.

M. Grimaldi et al., Mobilization of Calcium from Intracellular Stores, Potentiation of Neurotransmitter-Induced Calcium Transients, and Capacitative Calcium entry by aminopyridine J. Neurosci. 2001, 21 3135-43

M. Atzori et al.,  Differential synaptic processing separates stationary from transient inputs to the auditory cortex Nature Neurosci. 2001, 12:1230-7

M. Atzori et al., H2 histamine receptor phosphorylation of Kv3.2 modulates interneuron fast spiking Nature Neurosci. 2000, 3:791-8

F.Strata et al., A pacemaker current in dye-coupled hilar interneurons contributes to the generation of Giant GABAergic Potentials in developing hippocampus. J. Neuroscience, 1997, 17:1435-46

M. Atzori Pyramidal cells and Stratum Lacunosum-Moleculare interneurons in the CA1hippocampal region share a GABAergic spontaneous input Hippocampus, 1996, 6:72-78

M. Atzori Cl- transporter block enhances GABAergic spontaneous activity in rat hippocampal CA3 cells NeuroReport, 1994, 5:2509-2512

Books Edited and Book Chapters

K. Tseng and M. Atzori editors Monoaminergic Modulation of Cortical Excitability ed. Springer; ISBN-10: 0387722548; ISBN-13: 978-0387722542

M. Atzori and R. Paz Interplay between Dopamine and Acetylcholine in the Modulation of Attention in "Monoaminergic Modulation of Cortical Excitability" ed. Springer; ISBN-10: 0387722548; ISBN-13: 978-038772254

M. Atzori, H Salgado and K.Y. Tseng Regulation of Cortical Functions by the Central Noradrenergic System in "Monoaminergic Modulation of Cortical Excitability" ed. Springer; ISBN-10: 0387722548; ISBN-13: 978-038772254

J.A. Nichols, M. Bose, V.P. Jakkamsetti, M. Kilgard and M. Atzori Auditory environment-induced brain plasticity in "Limbic system and stress" ed. F. Aboitiz and A. Dagnino Research Signpost/Transworld Research Network, ISBN 978-81-0202-2