Continuing on the Math Path

Senior Sienna Unter spent last summer conducting mathematics research… and is now preparing for a career in the same field
By Catherine Joy ‘23
During a successful summer of research with Mathematics and Computer Science professors Tamsen McGinley and Glenn Appleby, culminating in a poster presentation at the Northern California Section meeting of the Mathematical Association of America, Sienna Unter ’23 learned a lot about professional writing in mathematics and the research process in general. A math major with a computer science minor, Unter is now pursuing a Ph.D. in mathematics at the University of Vermont, to become a university math professor and researcher.
Beyond her research, Unter was involved in several extracurriculars on campus. She was president of the Pi Mu Epsilon Mathematics Honors Society, the treasurer of the Association for Women in Mathematics, and president of the frisbee team!
Learn about Unter’s professional and extracurricular experiences and advice in this Q&A!
What advice would you give to first year SCU students?
My best piece of advice would be to look for clubs, organizations, sports, or other groups to join early on! Trying out a ton of different things in your first few quarters is a great way to make new friends, while also discovering communities with shared interests at this school. The best decision I ever made in college was going to a women's ultimate frisbee informational meeting with a girl I barely knew; now that girl is one of my best friends and roommates and I'm president of the frisbee team!
Do you have a favorite professor?
A professor whose mentorship I have greatly valued during my time here is Tamsen McGinley . I have taken five classes with her during my time at SCU, and also spent a summer doing research with her. She is the best teacher I have ever had in my entire educational career, and her passion for teaching is both evident and infectious. It was very inspiring to be able to learn from and work with such an accomplished female mathematician.
Unter is currently attending the University of Vermont's Ph.D. program in Mathematics on a full scholarship with a graduate teaching assistant position.