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Department ofMathematics and Computer Science

Study Math and Computer Science at SCU

The University's location in "Silicon Valley," home to campuses of IBM, Apple, Intel, Sun Microsystems, Silicon Graphics, Hewlett Packard, Netscape, 3Com, Cisco Systems, Genentech, Yahoo, Google, eBay, and other high-tech companies, offers many opportunities for contacts by faculty and students alike with the ever-growing high-tech industry.

The Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Santa Clara University provides courses for those students who have chosen to major or to minor in either Mathematics or Computer Science for their undergraduate university education (i.e., for their bachelor's degree). The Department also provides numerous service courses for students in technical and non-technical fields. The University and the College of Arts and Sciences, in which the Department is located, are committed to superior undergraduate education, with a program in which teaching is emphasized and the advancement of knowledge through research is valued. Faculty are therefore not only concerned with the quality of their teaching but also carry on active research programs, often with the assistance of students.

The Department itself does NOT offer any graduate program, but those interested in pursuing graduate study (i.e., a master's or doctor's degree) in computer engineering, software engineering, or applied mathematics at Santa Clara University are referred to programs offered by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering or the Department of Applied Mathematics, both in the University's School of Engineering.