Ian Erickson-Kery
- Email: Contact Form
- Phone: 408-551-3168
- Location: Kenna Hall, 225-M Campus Map
- Website: https://calendly.com/iericksonkery-scu/studenthours
Ian Erickson-Kery is a Lecturer in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, where his teaching interests include Spanish language, environmental humanities, visual culture, and urban studies. Prior to SCU, he taught courses in Spanish and Portuguese language and Mexican cultural history at Duke University. He will defend his PhD dissertation, “Contested Territories: The Aesthetics and Politics of Urban Design in Mexico and Brazil, 1963-88” in November 2024 at Duke, and is revising the project into a book-length manuscript on the interfaces of cultural forms (writing, film, visual art, and architecture), embodied political struggle, and the urban infrastructures of carbon extraction and circulation in late-20th century Latin America. His peer-reviewed research has been published in Cine Documental and has been supported by grants from the Fulbright-García Robles program and the U.S. Department of Education, among other funders. A teacher-scholar dedicated to pedagogical innovation and mentoring, he has developed models for immersive digital and lab-based humanities learning through the Bass and Mellon Humanities Unbounded fellowship programs.
Research Interests:
- Latin American Cultural Studies
- Film and Visual Culture Studies
- Architecture and Urbanism
- Environmental Humanities
- Theories of Race and Embodiment in Mexico and Brazil
- SPAN 2, 3: Introduction to Spanish and Spanish-Speaking Cultures II, III
- Tierras en Lucha: Environmental Cultures of Latin America, Latin American and Latinx Artists in the Bay Area
- “Video nas aldeias y los terrenos de conflicto indígena en Brasil.” [“Video nas aldeias and the Terrain of Indigenous Conflict in Brazil.”] Cine Documental no. 20 (Aug. 2019): 38-67
- “Tristes sonhos, ou, o inconciente político da pandemia.” [“Sad Dreams, or, the Political Unconcious of the Panemic.”] Arte e Inovação em Tempos de Pandemia, ed. Rodolfo Ward (Brasília: CEAM/Universidade de Brasília, 2022): 34-41.