Patricia Simone
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To read about Dr. Simone's research in the news go to http://www.dugdug.com/drs-matt-bell-and-patti-simone-on-long-term-memory
Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Experimental Psychology
My primary focus of research is cognitive aging. I study factors that influence long term memory in older adults and children. Environmental factors include continuing education, spaced retrieval and other moderators of change. I am also interested in the development of selective attention abilities of children, young adults, and older adults, including the role of distractor processing in selective attention, and behavioral and neural mechanisms of cognitive inhibition.
PSYC 1: General Psychology I
PSYC 166: Human Neuropsychology
PSYC 167: Psychopharmacology
PSYC 168: Advanced Topics in Neuroscience
PSYC 196: Psychology of Aging
Gerontology Program
Gerontology is a multi-disciplinary field involved in the study of aging and elderly adults. Students from any major at SCU may enhance their credentials by participating in the Gerontology program at SCU.
Simone, P.M., & Baylis, G.C. (1997). Selective attention in a reaching task: Effect of normal aging and Alzheimer's disease. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 23(3), 595-608.
Simone, P.M., & Baylis, G.C. (1997). The role of attention in a spatial memory task in Alzheimer disease patients. Alzheimer Disease and Associated Disorders, 11 (3) 140-152.
Simone, P.M., Carlisle, E.A.,. & McCormick, E.B. (1998). Effect of defining features on inhibition in a spatial localization task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 24(3), 993-1005.
Simone, P.M., & McCormick, E.B. (1999). Effect of defining feature on negative priming across the life span. Visual Cognition, 6(5), 587-606.
Stout, J.C., Wylie, S.A., Simone, P.M., Siemers, E.R. (2001) Influence of competing distractors on response selection in Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 18(7), 643-653.
Simone, P.M., Ahrens, K., Foerde, K. E. G., Spinetta, M. (2006) Influence of attended repetition trials on negative priming in younger and older adults. Memory & Cognition, 34(1) 187-195.
Simone, P.M. and Scuilli, M. Cognitive Benefits of Participation in Lifelong Learning Institutes, LLI Review, LLI Review, 1(1) 44-51.
Simone, P.M. and Haas, A. (2007) The influence of lifelong learning on mood, LLI Review, 2, 36-42.
Simone, P.M. & Cesena, J.V. (2010) Comparison of Student Demographics, Satisfaction and Perceived Cognitive Demand in Two Lifelong Learning Programs. Educational Gerontology, 36(5), 425-434.
Simone, P.M., Bell, M.C., & Cepeda, N.J., (2012). Diminished But Not Forgotten: Effects of Aging on Magnitude of Spacing Effect Benefits. Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, doi:10.1093/geronb/gbs096.
Simone, P.M., & Hass, A. Frailty, Leisure Activity and Functional Status in Older Adults: Relationship with Subjective Well Being. Clinical Gerontologist.
Bell, M.C., Cepeda, N.J., Kawadri, N. & Simone, P.M.(2013). Long-term Memory, Sleep and the Spacing Effect. Memory.
Kahan, Tracey L., & Simone, Patricia M., (2005) Where Neurocognition Meets the Master: Attention and Metacognition in Zen. In K. Bulkeley (Ed.) Soul, Psyche, & Brain. Palgrave McMillan, pp. 113-137.
The Moral Challenge of Alzheimer’s Disease. Religious Studies Review, 28 (1), 2002.