Ana María Pineda, R.S.M., S.T.D.
- Email: Contact Form
- Phone: 408-554-6958
- Location: 301 Kenna Hall Campus Map
Dr. Pineda, a member of the Sisters of Mercy, is a graduate of the Catholic Theological Union in Chicago (M.A.) and the Pontifical University of Salamanca, Spain (S.T.D.).
A native of El Salvador, Professor Pineda was on the faculty at Catholic Theological Union (CTU) in Chicago and was one of the founding members of the Hispanic Theological Initiative (HTI). She is the past president of the Academy of Catholic Hispanic Theology in the United States (ACHTUS). She served on the board of the Louisville Institute, the Bishops' Committee for Hispanic Affairs, and numerous others.
- TESP 109: Hispanic Spirituality: Our Lady Of Guadalupe
- TESP 60: U.S. Hispanic Popular Religion
- TESP 65: U.S. Hispanic Theology
- TESP 165: Archbishop Romero and the Salvadoran Martyrs
- TESP 175: Women's Theologies from the Margins
She has written numerous articles on Hispanic ministry, popular religiosity, pastoral practices, and the distinction between oral and literate cultures. With Robert Schreiter, Pineda co-edited Dialogue Rejoin: Theology and Ministry in the United States Hispanic Reality.