Note from the Chair
Dear Alumni and Friends,
Spring is often characterized as a time of new life and hope, and this seems to be the case now more than ever, with the end of the COVID-19 pandemic in sight, and the prospect of a return to normal life on campus in the Fall. Spring quarter this year will be the conclusion of fifteen months of relative isolation for most of us, interacting with each other primarily via the Zoom video conferencing service. We look forward to a return to more direct, embodied communication.
This year was also marked by a number of transitions. One of our faculty members, Father Francis Smith, S.J., who retired in December 2020, unexpectedly passed away on March 25, 2021. David Pinault will also be retiring at the end of this academic year and was just accorded emeritus status. We also conducted two searches this year in the area of systematic theology, and are happy to announce that two scholars who just completed their doctoral programs will be joining us in the Fall. They are Haruka Umetsu Cho (Ph.D., Harvard Divinity School) and Elyse Raby (Ph.D., Boston College). We will profile them in the Fall edition of Perspectives. In addition, this Spring I will have completed my second term as chair of the Department of Religious Studies. My successor as chair will be Jim Bennett. However, as he will be on sabbatical next year, Philip Boo Riley will serve as interim chair for the 2021-22 academic year.
I would also like to acknowledge that this issue of Perspectives was co-edited and designed by our department manager, Vicky Gonzalez, and our student assistant Isaiah del Rosario '21. I am grateful to both of them for their excellent work on this issue.
David Gray Chair, Religious Studies Department
June 2021: Post-It scribblings found by SCU custodial staff in the cleared-out drawer of an empty desk in a vacated office in Kenna Hall; transcribed as a historical curiosity.
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Remembering Francis Smith, S.J.
Teacher, scholar, and author came to Santa Clara University in 1974.
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Social Media Apps Inspire Senior Lecturer To Create "Trust Pods"
Sarita Tamayo-Moraga finds success applying social media’s chat format to video discussion assignments.
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Finding Common Ground in the "Seeking Unity Amid Division" RS Conversation
Professors Karen Peterson-Iyer and Paul Schutz lead a conversation on interdenominational relations & Christian tradition.
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A Bittersweet Religious Studies Spring 2021 Reception
Students and faculty give their thanks and say their goodbyes.
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Teresia Hinga
Writes and speaks about Global Ethics and Sustainability.
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Margaret McLean
Serves on SCU COVID Resilience & Recovery Team and completes 3 major research & teaching projects.
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Eugene Schlesinger
Publishes and presents on the topics of Henri de Lubac, and the Anglican tradition.
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More faculty updates from David DeCosse, Janet Giddings, David Gray, Roberto Mata, Katia Moles, Michelle Mueller, David Pinault, and Sarah Robinson. Read More |
2021 Student Award Winners |
Alina Pincombe and Olivia Hill Religious Studies Major Prize |
Kristen Lee, Mary Maas, Lauren Schiek Tennant Wright, S.J. Minor Prize |
Kelby Uebelhor Theodore J. Mackin Senior Thesis Award |
Gina Chavez, Abby Fafinski, Haley Howard, Tegan Smith Joseph Grassi Social Justice Award |
Ramon Duran Catherine Bell Award |
Congratulations Class of 2021 Religious Studies Senior Students!
Majors: |
Olivia Hill |
Alina Pincombe |
Kelby Uebelhor |
Minors: |
Amaya Ada-Vibar |
Kristen Lee |
Anthony Avila |
Mary Maas |
Joshua Belong |
Alyssa Millwood-Donahue |
Georgina Chavez |
Lauren Schiek |
Abby Fafinski |
Tegan Smith |
Haley Howard |
Samuel Wickstrom |
Kelby Uebelhor '21
Religious Studies, Philosophy, and Management triple major reflects on his time at SCU.
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Cameron Heon '20
Completed a year with the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and is heading to graduate school
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David Bibee '13
David completed his Master of Divinity at Princeton and is Pursuing Ordination as a Presbyterian Minister.
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We would love to hear from you! If you have any news or memories to share (tell us your best RS story!), would like to update us about your current life and work, or have any ideas for RS programs and initiatives, please email
You might include a story or photo of a recent event, or just let us know about your current location, career, or thoughts. Thank you!