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Department ofReligious Studies

Jonathan Homrighausen, Class of 2015

Person standing in front of a framed artwork, engaging in discussion or presentation.

Person standing in front of a framed artwork, engaging in discussion or presentation.

Graduate School

I am currently headed toward the end of my first term in my MA in Biblical Studies at the Graduate Theological Union. I can confidently say that I came to the GTU very well-prepared by SCU's Religious Studies department, in classes ranging from Islamic Jesus, to Buddhism and Religious Diversity, to Darwin and God, and by my work as a research assistant for Prof. Catherine Murphy. Currently my interests lie in the connections between Jews, Christians, and Muslims in antiquity, particularly between the Tanakh, New Testament, and Qur'an, and how we can reconcile and engage these groups with one another today.

Next February I will be presenting a paper, “Illuminating Abraham: The Saint John’s Bible, Interreligious Dialogue, and Biblical Hermeneutics,” at a conference sponsored by the Midwest Conference on Christianity and Literature. My paper examines the Saint John's Bible in the light of Jewish-Catholic dialogue since Nostra Aetate, especially the vigorous conversation between Jewish and Christian biblical scholars. This relates to my work in SCU's Archives and Special Collections showing the Saint John's Bible. In working at SCU, and in so many other ways, I continue to be indebted to my mentors at SCU and my alma mater as a whole.
