News Spotlight

For ten years, a select group of Master of Arts in Teaching and Teaching Credential Candidates have dedicated their studies to the Excellence in Catholic Education and Leadership (ExCEL) program. ExCEL supports Catholic school educators through a program committed to developing teachers pedagogically, spiritually, and communally; and working for social justice through educational equity.

After three years of perseverance, the inaugural cohort of ECP’s new educational doctorate program graduated this June. At that ceremony, 19 teachers, principals, district officials, counselors, and administrators walked proudly across the stage to collect their EdD diplomas.

Santa Clara University is one of four winners of the 2024 Institutional Challenge Grant, awarded by the William T. Grant Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, the Doris Duke Foundation, and the Bezos Family Foundation. The grant encourages research institutions to build long-term research-practice partnerships with public agencies or nonprofit organizations to reduce inequality in youth outcomes.