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$2.3 Million Grant from the U.S. Department of Education

Marco Bravo and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica - Teacher Education

Marco Claudia Grant for Web

Marco Claudia Grant for Web

Marco Bravo, Ph.D. and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Ph.D. have secured a $2.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to enhance teacher preparation for dual language environments.

Marco Bravo, Ph.D. and Claudia Rodriguez-Mojica, Ph.D. have secured a $2.3 million grant from the U.S. Department of Education to enhance teacher preparation for dual language environments. In this grant, both pre-service teachers and teachers in the field will learn how to help children learn academic English within the context of math instruction. This grant will enhances our work with our students, help us engage our community partners in learning, further faculty research, and build our national reputation.

2017 SCU Convocation - $2.3 Million DOE Grant Video

Awards, Education, Faculty, News
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