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James L. Rodríguez

LERC Community Board James L. Rodríguez
James L. Rodríguez
Professor, California State University, Fullerton

James L. Rodríguez (Ph.D., Stanford University) is a professor of Child and Adolescent Studies and an inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Faculty Fellow at California State University, Fullerton where he has also held appointments as Interim Assistant Vice President of Institutional Research and Analytical Studies, Interim Associate Vice President for Student Affairs, Interim Faculty Athletics Representative, Acting Chair of the Department of Chicana/o Studies, and Faculty Co-Chair of the university’s Graduation Initiative.  Rodríguez previously held a tenured faculty appointment in the College of Education at San Diego State University where he directed the secondary bilingual teacher credential program and developed partnerships with multiple San Diego County school districts.  He has also held appointments as a Visiting Scholar in the Department of Psychology at Pomona College and at Educational Testing Service. 

Rodríguez has published widely on the psychological development and education of ethnic minority populations in the United States with an emphasis on immigrants and English learners. His publications have appeared in a wide-range of journals including Child Development, Early Childhood Research Quarterly, Equity and Excellence in Education, Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, Journal of Latinos in Education, and Review of Educational Research. He has served on the editorial boards of Child Development, Journal of Research on Adolescence, and the Association of Mexican American Educators Journal.  Rodríguez has also served as an expert advisor and consultant for various California Department of Education projects including the Early Childhood Educators Competencies, the Early Childhood Education Faculty Initiative Project, and the Preschool English Learners Resource Guide

Rodríguez has served on the AERA Annual Meeting Planning Committee and in various Division E roles including Program Co-Chair and program reviewer, member of the Committee on Diversity and Equity, and Chair of the Early Career Mentoring Seminar.  He has also been engaged in service with other professional organizations including the Founding and Steering Committees of the Latino Caucus of the Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD), for which he served as the Inaugural Chair, the SRCD Ethnic and Racial Issues Committee, and the 2012 SRCD Themed Meeting on the Positive Development of Minority Children for which he also served as the Co-Chair.