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Pedro Reyes

ECP RD - LERC FRF Pedro Reyes
Pedro Reyes
Professor, University of Texas at Austin

Dr. Reyes currently holds the Ashbel Smith Professor in Education Policy and Administration at UT Austin. He is also the Executive Director of the Texas Education Research Center. Dr. Reyes is passionate about education research and the craft of teaching. In his writing, Dr. Reyes focuses on Education and Opportunity, particularly on student success for children of poverty. His work has focused on urban students, language learners, migrant students, and border students—all children of poverty. His academic work has transcended the “the blaming game” and has focused on what is possible with these students and their success in schools.

Dr. Reyes has authored several books, including Resiliency and Success: Migrant Children in the US (2004); Lessons from High Poverty High Performance Schools: Creating Learning Communities (1999); and Teachers and Their Workplace: Commitment, Performance, and Productivity (1990). In addition, Dr. Reyes has authored numerous scholarly articles, book chapters, and monographs in several prestigious journals such as Educational Administration Quarterly, the High School Journal, Journal of Educational Research, and the Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.

Dr. Reyes has raised more than 23 million dollars in research development grants from foundations including: The Spencer Foundation, The Annenberg Foundation, The Spencer T. and Ann W. Olin Foundation, the Texas Education Agency, the National Science Foundation, the Houston Endowment, Inc., The Brown Foundation, and the U. S. Department of Education.