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Book Chapters and Journal Publications

Prof. Kitts has (co)authored more than 150 publications relating to his research, education and programmatic activities. Recent peer reviewed journal articles and book chapters include:

Book Chapters
  • K. Stanhouse, C. Kitts, and I. Mas, "Time-Energy Optimal Cluster Space Motion Planning for Mobile Robot Formations," Recent Advances in Robotic Systems, G. Wang (Ed), INTECH, in press.
  • I. Mas, and C. Kitts, "Cooperative Tasks Using Teams of Mobile Robots," IAENG Transactions on Engineering Technologies, H.K. Kim, S. I. Ao, M. A. Amouzegar and B. B. Rieger (Eds.), Springer 2014, pp. 83-99.
  • C. Kitts. "A Field Robotics Program For Real World Undergraduate Education," Infusing Real World Experiences into Engineering Education. The National Academies Press, Dec 2012, p. 21.
  • I. Mas, C. Kitts, and R. Lee. "Model-Based Nonlinear Cluster Space Control of Mobile Robot Formations." Mobile Robot Systems, Trends and Development, T. Yasuda (Ed.), INTECH, Chp 4.
  • C. Kitts. “Robotics.” The Handbook of Technology Management, Volume 3. H. Bidgoli, ed. New York: Wiley, 2010, pp. 306-319.
Recent Journal Articles
  • J. Cashbaugh and C. Kitts, "Vision-Based Object Tracking Using an Optimally Positioned Cluster of Mobile Tracking Stations," IEEE Systems Journal, in press.
  • J. Shepard and C. Kitts, "A Multi-Robot Control Architecture for Collaborative Missions Comprised of Tightly-Coupled, Interconnected Tasks," IEEE Systems Journal, in press.
  • M. Neumann and C. Kitts, "A Hybrid Multirobot Control Architecture for Object Transport," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, in press.
  • C. Kitts and M. Rasay, "A university-based distributed satellite mission control network for operating professional space missions," Acta Astronautica, v120, March-April 2016, pp. 229-238.
  • J. Cashbaugh and C. Kitts, "Optimizing Sensor Locations in a Multisensor Single-Object Tracking System," International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, v2015, June 2015, pp. 128-142.
  • T. Adamek, C. Kitts, and I. Mas, "Gradient-Based Cluster Space Navigation for Autonomous Surface Vessels," IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, v20, n2, 2015, pp. 506-518.
  • T. J. Moore, R. Schweickert, and C. Kitts, "Tsunami-generated sediment wave channels at Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, USA," Geosphere, v 10, n 4, August 2014, pp 757-768.
  • I. Mas and C. Kitts, "Dynamic Control of Mobile Multirobot Systems: The Cluster Space Formulation," IEEE Access, April 2014, pp. 558-570.
  • P. Ehrenfreund, A. Ricco, D. Squires, C. Kitts, et al. "The O/OREOS mission—Astrobiology in low Earth orbit." Acta Astronautica, v 93, 2014, pp. 501-508.
  • C. Kitts, P. Mahacek, T. Adamek, K. Rasal, V. Howard, S. Li, A. Badoui, W. Kirkwood, G. Wheat, and S. Hulme. "Field Operation of a Robotic SWATH Boat for Shallow-Water Bathymetric Characterization." Journal of Field Robotics, v 29, no 6, Nov/Dec 2012, pp. 924-938.
  • I. Mas and C. Kitts. "Obstacle Avoidance Policies for Cluster Space Control of Non-Holonomic Multi-Robot Systems." IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics. v 17, n 6, Dec 2012, pp. 1068-1079.
  • A. Mattioda, et al., "The O/OREOS Mission: First Science Data from the Space Environment Viability of Organics (SEVO) Payload." Astrobiology, v 12, n 9, Sep 2012, pp. 841-853.
  • P. Mahacek, C. Kitts, and I. Mas. "Dynamic Guarding of Marine Assets through Cluster Control of Automated Surface Vessel Fleets." IEEE/ASME Transactions of Mechatronics, v 17, n 1, Feb 2012, pp. 65-75.
  • W. Nicholson, et al., "The O/OREOS Mission: First Science Data from the Space Environment Survivability of Living Organisms (SESLO) Payload." Astrobiology, v 11, n 10, 2011, pp. 951-958.
One Column - christopher kitts
Title: Professor, Mechanical Engineering;
William and Janice Terry Professor, Mechanical Engineering;
Associate Dean of Research and Faculty Development, School of Engineering; 
Joint Appointments, Electrical and Computer Engineering (Courtesy) and Bioengineering (Affiliate); 
Fellow, American Society of Mechanical Engineers