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Graduate Programs

Tuition and Fees


Tuition is unit-based. Each unit is equal to one hour of in-class instruction and at least two hours of out-of class work per week. We charge a fixed amount for each unit you take. Full-time study for international students means 8 units or more each academic quarter except summer. Visit the Bursar's Office for full cost of attendance.

2024-2025 Academic Year

Tuition, per unit $1,206

Graduate Engineering Computing Center and Student Association
(AGES) Fees 


Non-refundable Enrollment Deposit*  $300 

* Will be applied toward student's tuition once enrollment is posted



Satisfaction Rate for Class Size


Satisfaction Rate for Overall Graduate Programs Expectations


Satisfaction Rate for Quality of Professors and Instructors

(source: 2023 Graduate Programs Exit Survey)

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Contact Us

Graduate Engineering Admissions

Graduate Engineering Current Students

Santa Clara University
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

Heafey-Bergin, Bldg. 202
Office # 240-243
408-554-4313 phone