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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


Digital cityscape with blue-tone tech icons overlayed, titled 'City of Tech'.

Digital cityscape with blue-tone tech icons overlayed, titled 'City of Tech'.

AI, Ethics, and the Vatican

Brian Patrick Green, director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, quoted on SparkDialog.

"Ultimately, companies don't want to be bad. They don't want to destroy society because they live in society. They have to live with the ramifications of the technology they are implementing. The question is how do you actually do this and in a way that makes a company money?" "There are some companies that genuinely don't want to have biased software."

 "It turns out you have to actually try to do the right thing. It won't just happen on its own."
 Brian Patrick Green, director of technology ethics at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, quoted on SparkDialog.