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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


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ChatGPT can Debunk Vaccine Lies. But can we Truly Trust it?

Irina Raicu, director, internet ethics, quoted by Daily Beast.

“There is a great need for accurate information about vaccines; but there’s also a great need for accurate information about chatbots,” Irina Raicu, director of the Internet Ethics Program at the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, told The Daily Beast.

She pointed out that the job of debunking vaccine myths could just as easily be accomplished via a bank of answers to an FAQ page. This would also allow it to be easily updated when need be—something that can’t be done as easily with a complex LLM.

After all, ChatGPT was trained on data up to the year 2021. It’s now missing two years of updated scientific information.

“Chatbots are also less likely to keep up with the latest consensus, which, in some areas related to public health, often reflects ongoing learnings,” Raicu added.

Irina Raicu, director, internet ethics, quoted by Daily Beast.

media, internet