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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


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Cursor pointing at the word "Security" on a screen.

Cybersecurity and the Future Workforce: What College Students Tell Us

Irina Raicu, director, internet ethics, quoted by BlackBerry Corporate Blog.

BlackBerry Blog spoke with Irina Raicu about her experience with students and cybersecurity, as well as patterns that she has observed in the past few years.

“I think, aside from the students who are actually studying cybersecurity, all of us are bad at it, right? College students, professors, academia in general and beyond academia. Which is problematic,” Raicu says. “I think cybersecurity is, by now, one of the conditions required for the common good.”

She equates cybersecurity to other basics a community needs, like clean air and water.

“It's obvious cybersecurity is one of those conditions, because we are so reliant on the internet.”

Irina Raicu, director, internet ethics, quoted by BlackBerry Corporate Blog.


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