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Markkula Center for Applied Ethics


A straight road under the bright sun with mountainous scenery.

A straight road under the bright sun with mountainous scenery.

Unproven Technology to Block Sun's Rays Raises Practical, Ethical Concerns, Experts say

Brian Green, director of technology ethics, quoted on National Catholic Reporter.

"There is definitely a use of technology [in addressing climate change], but the point of technology is that it has to serve humanity, instead of humanity serving technology," said Brian Green, director of technology ethics with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics at Santa Clara University, who has followed the geoengineering debate for a decade.

Green told EarthBeat the concerns being raised about solar geoengineering are important ethical considerations. Shooting sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere, for instance, is "a pretty dangerous course of action," he said, as scientists do not know the right amount to use, how localized the effect would be or how long it would remain in the atmosphere.

Brian Green, director of technology ethics with the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, quoted on National Catholic Reporter.
