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Fr. Coz Scholarship

Father Coz - In Memoriam


About Pause for Coz

To Fellow SCU Alumni and Friends of Father Coz:

Father Coz with Family

My name is Steve Erbst, class of '88.  Like many of you, I am a good friend/fan of Father Coz.  As I reflect on my SCU experience ranging from playing soccer, being a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon, economics classes, and supporting friends through their sporting events, my memories in class, or at games with Fr. Coz are extensive. It seems we could always count on his support as many of us participated in soccer, football, basketball, lacrosse, water polo, or rugby. I suspect there is also a common Coz thread among all of us in our post – SCU life with wedding ceremonies and baptisms that have involved Padre.

In 2007, my goal of creating a scholarship in the name of Fr. Coz became a reality.  It has been extremely rewarding seeing the hundreds of Fr. Coz friends join my family in supporting current students in the name of Fr. Coz. This past year the fund crested the $4,425,000 mark and awarded its 56th scholarship recipient.

What can you do to help? 

•    Spread the word about the Pause for Coz Endowed Scholarship.
•    Help us continue to build the Fr. Coz Scholarship.  Make your gift today to the Fr. Coz Scholarship.

I realize that we all contribute in our own way to Santa Clara and/or have other financial commitments, so I sincerely appreciate any support that you could provide to ensure the success of this scholarship.

Sincerest Regards,

Steve Erbst '88


A Million Reasons to Give

For those of us whose SCU experience included Fr. Coz, we have a million reasons to be grateful for his influence.  In that spirit, we ask you to join us in helping build the Pause for Coz Endowed Scholarship.  Currently four students receive the scholarship each year, while honoring Fr. Coz and his “Living Legacy.”

Make your gift today to the Fr. Coz Scholarship.

Steve, Mike, Catherine

Scholarship Milestones

  • April 2008 – Scholarship exceeds $230,000 Meghan McCormick '08 and Michael Medeiros '09 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2009 – Scholarship exceeds $300,000 and Catherine Duyn '11 and Colin Niedermeyer '10 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2010 – Scholarship exceeds $500,000 and Catherine Duyn '11 and Michael Calcagno '11 are awarded scholarships.
  • April 2011 – Scholarship exceeds $600,000 and Stephanie Carmassi '12 and Luke Kelly '12 are awarded scholarships.
  • March 2012 – Scholarship exceeds $710,000 and Sara Aliotti '13 and Stephen Anderson '13 are awarded scholarships.
  • April 2013 – Scholarship exceeds $900,000 and William Whitesides '15 and Catherine Haupt '14 are awarded scholarships.
  • December 2013 – Scholarship exceeds $1,000,000 and William Whitesides '15 and Sara Vierra '15 are awarded scholarships.
  • January 2015 – Scholarship exceeds $1,200,000 and Dylan Agelson '17, Logan Breen '16, Brendan Weber '16 are awarded scholarships.
  • April 2016 - Scholarship exceeds $1,400,000 and John Galvin '17, Connor Haupt '17, Michaella Parelius '17, Dylan Agelson '17 are awarded scholarships.
  • April 2017 - Scholarship exceeds $1,700,000 and Austin Diercks '18, Kelsey Pasco '18, Brooks Nicholson '18, and Patrick Hanley '18 are awarded scholarships. 
  • May 2018 -  Scholarship exceeds $1,900,000 and Kaweni Ibarra '19, Jon Rast '19, Phoebe Luongo '19, and Nicole Jacobus '20 are awarded scholarships. 
  • May 2019 - Scholarship exceeds $2,050,000 raised and Nicole Jacobus '20, Alejandro Gutierrez '21, Zach Gotvald '21, Isabel Minton '21, and Michael Noonan '21 are awarded scholarships.  
  • May 2020 - Scholarship exceeds $2,250,000 raised and Charlie Miller '21, Alejandro Gutierrez '21, Zach Gotvald '21, Isabel Minton '21, and Michael Noonan '21 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2021 - Scholarship exceeds $3,125,000 raised and Jimmy Duchesne '22, John Gallarate '22, Julia Haupt '22, Gillian King '23, Carolyn Kuimelis '22, David Republicano '22, and James Republicano '22 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2022 - Scholarship exceeds $4,000,000 and Emma Chappell '24, Jackie Cruz '23, Keanu Dayton '23, Claire Doud '23, JJ Escalera '25, Caedmon Fisher '23, Matt Guichard '24, Gillian King '23, John Paul Kraus '24, Cristian Medal '24, and Fiona Sundy '23 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2023 - Scholarship exceeds $4,250,000 and Gabrielle Canola-Leach '25, Emma Chappell '24, Keanu Dayton '24, Matt Guichard '24, John King '25, Ava Klash '25, John Paul Kraus '24, Cristian Medal '24, Irene Nagasaka '24, Elena Radeff '24, Sam Seter '24, and Joey Vollert '25 are awarded scholarships.
  • May 2024 - Scholarship exceeds $4,425,000 and Jimmy Andre '25, Joe Andre '26, Chris Batuello '25, Gabrielle Canola-Leach '25, Nina Damjanac '25, Sergio Diaz '26, John King '25, Ava Klash '25, Sydney Maccabe '26, Thomas, Maccabe '26, Joey Vollert '25 and Maddie Wu '25 are awarded scholarships.

Please consider making your first gift or renewing your gift commitment this year. Donations to the Father Coz Endowed Scholarship will not only contribute to the financial needs of these four students going forward, but will enable us to help additional students.

Father Coz Celebration Photos

2019 Gallery 

2016 Gallery 

2013 Gallery 

2012 Gallery

2011 Gallery

The Legacy of Fr. Coz

Read comments from students who were touched by his legacy, along with posts from Fr. Coz and Fr. Engh.