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Alumni Engagement

In order to extend our reach to all SCU pre-health students, including future and former students, we have created a LinkedIn group. This LinkedIn group is updated regularly with important announcements regarding the program. As we further develop our alumni network, we envision LinkedIn will serve as a platform for students to find clinical opportunities.

If you are an SCU alumni in a health profession and want to connect directly and support this new program, complete this survey

Our goal in Alumni outreach is to engage with alumni to help further develop the advising program through leveraging our alumni in healthcare for possible connections with current students and the Health Professions Advising Program directly. We envision mentorship, advisory and executive board opportunities for our alumni in health professions to help shape this program going forward.  

Specifically, in 2023-2024, we will be forming an Alumni Executive Board to engage with our alumni to help shape the educational and clinical goals of the program. Our alumni outreach effort has been highly successful, with over 50 alumni interested in helping develop our health professions program.  

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