Thane Kreiner
Thane Kreiner, Ph.D., is a former Executive Director of the Miller Center for Social Entrepreneurship at Santa Clara University.
The Center’s mission is to accelerate global, innovation-based entrepreneurship in service to humanity. Its signature Global Social Benefit Institute (GSBI®) program has graduated more than 200 social enterprises, which have collectively impacted the lives of nearly 100 million people worldwide. Kreiner taught Entrepreneurship for Social Justice and two courses for theGlobal Social Benefit Fellowship.
Kreiner was founder, president, and CEO of several life sciences start-ups, including Second Genome, a microbiome company; Presage Biosciences, Inc., focused on bringing better cancer drugs to market; and iPierian, a regenerative medicine venture recently acquired by Bristol-Myers Squibb. Previously, he spent 14 years in senior leadership roles atAffymetrix, Inc., which pioneered the DNA chip industry. Kreiner earned his Ph.D. in neurosciences and his MBA from Stanford.