About Us
Our lab focuses on different types of media but is particularly interested in social media and emerging technologies (VR, AI, etc). The primary topics we will focus on will include but are not limited to: social media metrics, social media motivations and trends across each platform; platform governance; free speech and hate speech; and human-computer interaction. Additional topics include gaming, personality style, social media marketing, and social media in sports. Our goals are to critically examine contemporary trends and messages, critique the ethics and design of emerging technologies, as well as address bias, hate speech, and toxicity on social media and online communities (e.g., games).
Imaginarium Staff

Megu Kanzawa
Lab Technician

Josh Kindarara
Lab Technician

Trisha Nguyen
Lab Technician

Gwen Patwardhan
Lab Technician

John Redinbo
Lab Technician

Riana Santos
Lab Technician

Erin Schmidt
Lab Technician

Sara Wheeler
Lab Technician

Em Dang
Lab Manager

David Jeong
Lab Director
Lab Email: scuimaginarium@scu.edu
Lab Director: dcjeong@scu.edu
Lab Manager: edang1@scu.edu