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Where is the Imaginarium located?

The Wave+Imaginarium is located in Heafey 237. You can find us by walking to the back of Heafey and going up the stairs.

Yes, the Imaginarium has open hours during weekdays. You can find more information on our calendar. You can also email to arrange a visit or schedule a demo.

In light of recent developments and speculation about the Metaverse, we at the Imaginarium are excited about the potential to globally connect people in a shared virtual space, with new ways to physically and virtually interact with the world and each other.

However, we encourage people to engage with the ideas presented by the Metaverse cautiously and with a humanities-focused approach centered on accessible public spaces and cultivating a culture of collaboration, generosity, and inclusivity. The Imaginarium is not only dedicated to cutting-edge XR research and product development, but also to doing our part to ensure that the future of the Metaverse is one that is sustainable and beneficial to all.

We have 20 high-performance workstations, 15 HP Reverb VR headsets, and software products including Adobe Creative Cloud, Blender, and Unity. More information about our range of products can be found on our equipment page. You may also file a request to install software using our tech support form.

No! We welcome visitors of all levels of experience and expertise when it comes to VR, data visualization, digital art, and game design.

If you’d like to schedule a visit with a group or class, please contact the lab manager, Em Dang, to discuss logistics. Availability might be limited at this time. If you are an individual from SCU, you may also visit us during our open hours.

If you are a member of SCU with an individual project, you are welcome to visit the Imaginarium during open hours to work on your project.

If you are SCU faculty seeking out space, equipment, or student workers for a project, please contact Em Dang with your questions.

The WAVE HPC is accessible from any on-campus network, including the workstations in the Imaginarium Lab. To access the HPC you must have a separate HPC account. More information on the HPC can be found on the WAVE HPC and Visualization Lab webpage. The WAVE HPC Support team can be contacted at

You can speak with the lab manager, Em Dang, or any of the lab technicians on duty in the lab at the time of the concern. They will do their best to assist with the issue, and if the problem persists they will note the problem to be fixed after hours.

Please contact David Jeong ( or Em Dang ( with further questions.