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SCU First Gen Staff/Faculty /Administration Profiles

A woman smiling outdoors with trees in the background.
Nayeli Carmona Perez
Program Manager, Ignatian Formation
Where did you attend college?

Santa Clara University

What was your college experience like as a first-generation college student?

I am very grateful that as a student I had the opportunity to be a part of our LEAD community. It was a place for me to learn and grow and find support from people who wanted to see me succeed. LEAD made my transition to a four year private university completely smooth and I am very grateful that we have this program for our future students.

What message do you have to share with current first-generation college students?

You should be proud of your accomplishments! Being where you are now took a lot of dedication. Know that those sacrifices that I am sure many of your parents and yourselves have made have all been worth it, and be proud of it. Never loose faith, be determined, never forget where you came from and never lose sight of where you are going. GO BRONCOS!!