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SCU First Gen Staff/Faculty /Administration Profiles

A woman smiling in a professional headshot with a grey background.
Lucila Ramos-Sanchez
Associate Professor, Dept. of Counseling Psychology
Where did you attend college?

CSU Chico & UC Santa Barbara

What was your college experience like as a first-generation college student?

As a first-generation student, I felt proud about following a path no one else in my family had ventured. However, my experience was not without its challenges.  I was not sure how to apply to college, financial aid, or even navigate a course catalog. The vice principal at my high school was instrumental in helping me through this process. Without him, I probably would not have attended college. Once in college, I was accepted into  a program called EOP (Equal Opportunity Program) which was geared toward helping underrepresented students.  The same vice principal had submitted an application on my behalf for this program. The program connected me with other first-generation and unrepresented students, as well as provided resources so I could be successful academically. My academic journey would not have been possible without the help of others, because there was a lot I did not l know.

What message do you have to share with current first-generation college students?

I would say use all the school resources available to you. Whether the resources are writing labs, office hours, or the career center, taking advantage of resources can be incredibly helpful in advancing your academic career and filling in knowledge gaps. Also, get involved!!! Involvement in clubs, intramural sports, or other social networks is so important in college.  Having a sense of connectedness or belonging is helpful so one can feel they have a place at a university and involvement helps develop one’s social support.