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Event Information

Aside from our normal liturgical events, the Mission can also host certain artistic and cultural events that are in line with the nature of the University and Mission Santa Clara as a Roman Catholic church.  This may include choral and orchestral concerts or other traditional events/presentations, provided they reflect the Mission's religious nature and/or season of the liturgical year.  Choose from the menu below for more information on scheduling an event, a list of upcoming events, or parking restrictions for events.

If you're interested in having Mission Santa Clara host your event, call the Mission Office to verify that the date and time you're interested in are available.  A tentative 30 day hold can be placed on that date while you firm up the details for your official application.  Once you've placed a tentative reservation with us, a simple 3-step process needs to be followed:

 Step 1: Fill out the appropriate application and submit it to the Mission Office.

If you're applying for a concert or a mass, use the dedicated concert or mass applications.  All other events should use the General Event Application.

Step 2: Submit balance and any outstanding documentation.
Your balance due and any outstanding documentation (i.e. Certificate of Liability Insurance) must be submitted to our office no less than 3 months before your scheduled event.  Failure to submit these items to our office by their due date will result in automatic release of your reservation from our schedule.

Once our office has received all required payments and forms, there is little else to do but let your audience or congregation enjoy what you've put together for them.  


In addition to being a historic worship space, Mission Santa Clara is host to numerous non-liturgical events throughout the year as well.  Some events may require the purchase of an admission ticket.  The Mission Office is not responsible for tickets sales.  Contact each organization directly, or utilize the links below, for more information purchasing tickets.

Date Group For Tickets and more Info
March 1, 2025 Santa Clara Chorale
March 14, 2025 SCU Presents: Concerto Aria
March 15, 2025 Ragazzi Boys Chorus Concert
March 20, 2025 Chanticleer
March 24. 2025  iSing and Voces8


Please remember that University parking restrictions are fully enforced during the following hours:

  • Monday –Friday: 6am to 8pm
  • Saturday – Sunday: No Restrictions for spots labeled B, E, and F, or unless otherwise posted

Guests to the University can park in either of 2 University owned and operated parking structures:

  1. Main Parking Structure: 500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053
  2. North Parking Structure: 1063 Alviso Street, Santa Clara, CA 95053


Parking on the Santa Clara University Campus is restricted as per the rules and regulations
stated within the “Parking and Traffic Plan” found on the web at

Questions or concerns regarding this document should be directed to the Office of Transportation Services at 408-551-7080.


During Enforceable Hours:

  • Stop at the El Camino Real guard kiosk to secure a FREE 2hr Visitor’s Permit to park in either garage.
  • If you choose to bypass the guard kiosk, pay stations are available in the North Parking Structure.
  • Valid parking permits must be displayed during enforceable hours to avoid parking citations/fines.
  • Permits are NOT required during non-enforceable hours (Saturdays and Sundays) for B, E, and F spots unless otherwise posted.
  • Follow all posted signage and instructions to avoid citations and/or fines.

For your reference, feel free to download/print our Parking Reference Guide.

The Nobili Dining Room is a multi-use, non-religious space located within the Nobili Residence Hall.  To reserve this space, complete the application and contract below and submit it to the Mission Office.  

For SCU Departments
SCU departments and affiliates not paying their fees via University Budget Strings will be charged non-affiliate rates (see below).  Typically, our office will collect budget string information which would only be used in the event that we need to charge for spilled food/drink on the carpet, or damage to the space or furniture. All events scheduled for Friday, Saturday or Sunday, will automatically be charged a $175 cleaning fee. Because this space is within a residence hall, reservable hours are limited to the hours between 8am and 10pm daily.  Events may not extend beyond 10pm.

SCU non-Affiliates
Non-affiliates may also reserve the space for appropriate purposes.  The rate for non-affiliates is $300 for a minimum of 4 consecutive hours, with each hour thereafter costing an additional $75, OR $500 for the entire day (limited to a maximum of 8 consecutive hours between 8am and 10pm).  All events scheduled for Friday, Saturday or Sunday, will automatically be charged a $175 cleaning fee.  Non-affiliates must also provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance in the amount of $1,000,000 naming Santa Clara University as Additional Insured.  Additionally, submission of proof of 501C(3) non-profit status must also be submitted.

Food Service 
Any events providing food service (for both SCU departments and non-affiliates) must secure their catering needs through the Adobe Lodge at 408-554-4059 or Bon Appetit at 408-554-5771.  Outside caterers are expressly prohibited from providing food service on the SCU campus for any reason.

Provided Resources
While generally a bare space, the room does come equipped with 40 chairs and 20 small tables (2.5ft by 4 ft) already set out.  These can be configured in a number of ways to accommodate your needs.  If they're not needed, they can also be stored off to the side and out of the way.  There are also an additional eight 8ft tables (rectangular style) available, along with another 60 folding chairs that you can draw from if you're hosting a larger event.  Setup of all these items is self-service oriented, or you can contact Facilities if you're in need of additional items (fees may apply).  Finally, groups also have access to a screen, projector, sound system, and computer (for SCU departments/employees only).  Non-SCU groups that need to use the projector and screen should plan to bring their own laptops from which to project (standard cables and connections are provided).  

To reserve the space, complete the online applicaton below.  Our office will notify you upon approval or contact with you to resolve any scheduling conflicts. 

The St. Francis Chapel is a smaller, religious-oriented space attached to the back of the Mission Church.  It is a gem of a space for groups of 20 or less, looking to gather, worship, or meditate in more intimate surroundings.

Because of the chapel's nature as a religious space, it is not generally meant to be a generic gathering space for receptions, food service, lectures, etc.  However, it is an appropriate choice for reflections, retreats, meditations, liturgies, and other events with a spiritual component.  If you have questions about whether your event would be appropriate for the St. Francis Chapel, feel more than welcome to reach out to the Mission Office at 408-554-5301 or

Fees and Charges

  • There are no fees incurred for on-campus departments to utilize the St. Francis Chapel for appropriate purposes.
  • Faculty/Staff members, or RSO advisors must reserve the chapel on behalf of students/student clubs.  If reserving on behalf of students, the identified faculty/staff/advisor must be present to the event.
  • Non-affiliates must pay a reservation fee of $400, provide proof of 501(c)3 status, and provide a Certificate of Liability Insurance before a reservation for the chapel will be confirmed.

Included Resources

  • The St. Francis Chapel is equipped with seating for 20, a large cross, altar table, and altar candles.  
  • Seating and configuration of the chapel can rearranged, however, we would ask that you return the space to its standard configuration when your event is complete.
  • Because of the historic nature of the furnishings, any furniture or other decorative items may NOT be removed from the space under any circumstances.  Damage or destruction to any of these items will be billed to your department or organization for conservation, restoration, or replacement.
Fill out and submit the application below to make a reservation: