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Business Plan Template FREE

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MOBI Business Plan Template

The primary value of your business plan is to create a written resource that evaluates most aspects of your new business including a description of your target customers and markets, profitability, organization, operations and more. The very process of writing your business plan helps you put your ideas on paper so you can evaluate what resources you have and what you need to be successful.

Your business plan is your blueprint for starting your business, your script to tell the story of your business to others, and your comprehensive analysis of the opportunity for your business. Business plans help you plan your roadmap, state your goals, share your vision, and analyze your strategy. A business plan is an important and valuable tool for new as well as existing businesses.

This MOBI Business Plan Template consists of sections that relate to the content included in the MOBI Starting a Business course. You can also use this template as a guide independently. We have created this template with the input of key stakeholders such as economic development agencies, lenders, mentors and successful entrepreneurs. You can complete sections of the business plan as you go through the course, to apply what you are learning along the way, or you can wait until you have completed the course. This business plan template is a universal model suitable for most types of business, which you can customize to fit your circumstances. MOBI provides leading topics, questions, and suggestions in each section to guide you. Here are some instructions to help you get started:

  1. On the cover page replace the MOBI spark with your own logo and provide your business name, personal name, contact information, and date.
  2. Complete each section leaving the main title, such as “Executive Summary,” and using the subtitles and questions as a guideline. Replace those subtitles and questions with the needed and relevant information. If some of the subtitles work with your format, you can keep them. You can type directly over the provided content or delete it as you complete it.
  3. You might want to start each section on a new page, which can also be helpful if you decide to include a Table of Contents.

Once you complete your business plan, be sure that key stakeholders review it. Business plans are not static; they will change as your business and the business environment change around you. It’s important to continually review and update your business plan to adjust for these changes.




MOBI Spark





Enter Your Business Name

Enter Your Name






 Enter Date

Contact Information


Executive Summary
Provide a summary of your business by addressing these key areas.


Name and Description of Business
State the name of your business and describe your product or service.


Targeted Market and Customers
Describe your target markets and customers and why they want or need your product or service.    


Trends in this Industry
What are the current trends in the industry that make this a good time for your product or service? For example, is the market for your product growing, and why? Have others failed to address a particular need that your product or service will address?  


Value Proposition
Provide a brief statement of the unique benefits and value your business will deliver to your customers. Describe the unique qualities of your product or service that will enable you to be profitable.


The Vision 
Describe the vision of your business and why you are committed to pursuing this vision and making it successful. 


Founder Background: Work/life experience related to the intended business
Describe your work/life experience, educational credentials, and how they are related to the business you plan to start. Include a list of your skills and knowledge, which will be required in your business. 


Your Team
If you plan to hire full- or part-time employees or seek business partners, describe your plan for engaging with these other members of your team. If you already have employees or partners, describe key personnel and their roles here. 


Goals for business:
Outline your key goals for your business. (Explain your plans for growing the business and what you can realistically accomplish in a defined period of time.)


Financing and Financial Projections
(Many business owners require the assistance of a bookkeeper or accountant when completing this section.)

Startup Capital
Provide a table or spreadsheet showing the sources of your startup capital including what you or other investors will contribute and what you intend to borrow. Create a list of what the startup capital will be used for and how much will be left over for working capital (SCORE Startup Expenses Template).


Accounting Statements
Prepare your starting balance sheet and projected profit and loss (income) statements for the first three years. (By month for the first year and then by year for years two and three.) Forecast your month-to-month cash flow requirements for the first year.  


Analysis of Costs
List and explain the key costs and profit margins that are important for your business. Classify your costs as fixed, variable, product, delivery, etc. 


Break-Even Analysis
Based on your costs and pricing strategy, prepare a break-even analysis.


Internal Controls
Explain your internal and cash controls. For instance, check signing policy, strategy for controlling shrinkage, and control of incoming merchandise or supplies.


Business Organization


Business Organization
Explain the form of business organization you intend to use and why it is best for your business (sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC, etc.).


Professional Consultants
List the names of your key advisors: bookkeeper/accountant, consultants, lawyer, insurance agent, and any other professionals.  


Business Location


If you need a physical location other than your home to operate your business, identify your business space needs considering all phases of your workflow (production, storage, shipping, potential employees, customer meetings, and future requirements). Explain why the location you picked meets your workflow needs.


Marketing and Sales


Market Research: Your Customers and Competition
Describe your ideal customer (who will be purchasing your product/service, key characteristics).

  • Include any research that has helped you identify and characterize your target customer.


Describe your position in the market, your strongest competitors, and how you intend to compete. 


Marketing Strategy and Tools
Describe your overall marketing strategy, how you will find, engage, and build customers, including:

  • Traditional marketing tools (signage, storefront, collateral, advertising, promotion, uniforms,  mail, etc.).
  • Online marketing (website, social media, email marketing, text marketing, others).
  • Ecommerce (if applicable).
    • Describe in detail how you plan to sell your products or services online.
    • Describe how your best competitors utilize ecommerce and your strategy to improve on their practices.
    • Research and identify the different channels where you will sell your product or services. What is your expectation of sales?
    • Detail how will you take orders, process payments, and fulfill requests? 
    • Provide a detailed breakdown of the costs involved in creating, operating, and maintaining your ecommerce activities.


Sales Strategy
Describe your sales process, activities you will conduct, obstacles you expect, how you will overcome them, and any customer service strategies to retain and expand your customer base.




Include key details about how you will operate your business.

  • Outline the workflow of your business and the processes and procedures you will put into place.
  • If applicable, provide details about how you will procure supplies, manufacture your product, and deliver your product or service to your customer. Include any equipment and facilities that you need.
  • Describe how you will measure the success of your operations for quality, efficiency, cost control, or other measures of performance. Include any testing.
  • Additional information (if pertains to your business):
    • Order fulfillment: describe your order fulfillment process, software to be used, and quality control methods.
    • Supply chain: describe products/materials you need to purchase in order to make your product, include primary and secondary sources for these. products/materials, lead times, purchasing methods, and tools.
    • Staffing: skill requirements, training program, supervision, outsourced functions, and hiring timeline.


Addendum: Licenses and Permits 
*Addendums can include but are not limited to License and Permits*


Make a comprehensive list of all licenses and permits you will need to do business in your area.  

Your list should include the following: (For US-based businesses; requirements differ by country and region.)

  • Name under which you intend to do business
  • Permissions and/or limitations on the use of your property or facilities
  • Federal, state, and local licenses (city/county), permits, and certifications needed to do business in your area (e.g. business tax license, seller's permit, safety certifications, employer identification number, etc.)
  • Industry licenses needed for your particular area of business (contractor, electrician, daycare, beauty, etc.)
  • International and national intellectual property protection through trademarks, copyright, and patents.


 MOBI Spark


Download: MOBI Business Plan Template

Enroll now: MOBI's FREE online Starting a Business course