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Research Involving Minors

Research Involving Minors

Any staff, faculty member, or student that has regular, direct contact with minors must complete a Protecting Children online training module as well as a one-time LiveScan background check. Please use the following steps to complete the requisite training and LiveScan:

Step 1: Send an email to Risk Management at to request access to the Protecting Children online training module.

Step 2: Complete the LiveScan Background Check. LiveScan forms, location details, and process steps can be found here (see Live Scan Fingerprinting in the menu on the right). 

Step 3: Track the status of your LiveScan results here

Step 4: When your results are available and your Protecting Children training module is complete, send an email to Risk Management at to request that confirmation is sent to the IRB. Any IRB protocols that include direct contact with minors will not be approved until the IRB receives confirmation from Risk Management that both the LiveScan and the module are complete. 


Ethics Point