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This is for the Birds | Increase Environmental Awareness with Bird Watching

Two Column

BUG Interns have supported our garden-based outreach in a range of ways, often researching and developing experiential learning material and prompts. The hands-on activities designed by students serve as a springboard into environmental education. We hope by engaging with the natural world all around, the desire to care for it will begin to grow.

Bird watching is for any age. This local bird watching guide (created by ESS major, Vanessa ‘21) will get you started. There’s a whole community of bird enthusiasts too! The crafts below are designed to support your family’s interest in birdlife as well as inspire your creative spirit.

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Use toilet paper rolls for this easy binocular craft! Maybe use the paper bag journal to create a life list- that's a list of birds you find.

Bird feeder with colorful hanging items and text
Bird feeder with multiple colorful containers labeled

Make your own bird feeder, fill with seed, and watch from your window.  This simple craft can be created by items commonly found around the house- like an egg carton. Use an egg carton and cut holes in each corner. Thread a piece of string diagonally through 2 holes and repeat with the 2nd string through the remaining holes. Now hang outside! Decorate your bird feeder and make it beautiful!