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Department ofTheatre and Dance

Gaywyn Moore

Gaywyn Moore


Gaywyn Moore is a teacher of drama, literature, and writing, specializing in Shakespeare and Renaissance Drama, early modern travel, and utopian literature and theory. She is also active in the Midwest Modern Language Association, having served as president in 2023 and organized the conference, "Going Public," and is currently editing the Journal of the Midwest Modern Language Association (JMMLA) for the “Going Public” edition. She is also researching seafaring labor practices as they apply to Shakespeare’s The Tempest.

Gaywyn Moore holds a Ph.D. in Early Modern British Literature from the University of Kansas, where she also received advanced training in writing pedagogy and served as the teaching mentor for incoming graduate teaching assistants.

Select Scholarship Credits

Moore, Gaywyn and Brian J. Harries. "Undergraduate Archival Research in Early Modern Studies: Digital Possibilities for Small Colleges and Universities."  EMSJ 7, 2021: 104-115.

"English Women, Romance, and Global Travel in Thomas Heywood’s The Fair Maid of the West, Part 1." In Travel and Travail: Early Modern Women, English Drama, and the Wider World. Ed. Patricia Akhimie and Bernadette Andrea. Lincoln: Nebraska University Press, 2019: 313-330.

"‘Was my sister drowned’: Voyaging While Female in Twelfth Night." Mediterranean Studies 26.1 (2018): 159-178.

"Henry VIII." Chapter in The Definitive Shakespeare Companion: Overviews, Documents and Analysis. Co-authored with Yashdip S. Baines. Ed. Joseph Rosenblum. Santa Barbara: Greenwood Press, 2017.

"‘You turn me into nothing’: Reformation of Queenship on the Jacobean Stage." Mediterranean Studies 21.1 (2013) 27-56.

Select Conference Panels and Workshops

"Of Boatswains and Bondage: Laboring in The Tempest." 23rd Annual Mediterranean Studies Association Congress in Gibraltar, via Zoom, May 26-29, 2021.

"I shall do thee mischief in the wood": Dude Bros in the Wilderness. 48th Annual Meeting of the Shakespeare Association of America, via Zoom. April 16, 2020.

"Unsettled Strangers: Early Modern Constructions of Self and Gender in Foreign Spaces." Workshop session presented with Brian Harries, Mikaela Warner, and Melissa Kleinschmidt, Attending to Early Modern Women Conference, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. June 14-16, 2018.


Critical Thinking & Writing I & II: Spectacle & Society
Cultures & Ideas 1 & II: All the World's a Stage