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Recycling of Waste

Recyclable Materials

  • Aluminum, Glass, Plastics (#1-7), and Tin: Dispose of in proper containers, labeled as "Co-Mingling recycling" or the specific item.
  • Paper and Cardboard: Place in "paper" bags or by the dumpsters in the bins labeled "Cardboard." Cardboard should be flattened to save space. Frozen food containers are NOT recyclable.
  • E-Waste (Technology): Inner-campus mail to Facilities, place behind service desks in the residence halls or schedule a pick-up (for heavy items).
  • Batteries: Inner-campus mail to Facilities

Email for specifics on the recycling of any products in question; or as to the process by which to have an item recycled.

Green Waste

Green Waste is waste generated from plant material. It usually comes from routine landscape maintenance, such as lawn mowing, dead plants, etc. All Green Waste is recycled except palm brances and flax. The small trimmings are collected and hauled to a compost facility, and the large trimmings are run through a chipper and the mulch is

Truck collecting green waste like branches and leaves by the roadside.

used around campus. The recycled mulch retains moisture and requires less water for plants, as well as increases microbial activity in the soil, which aids in stabilizing the soil temperature at the root zone and helps prevent weed germination and growth. By recycling Green Waste, SCU is able to exceed the city mandated requirement for reducing the amount of debris that goes to the landfill and also save significant costs by reducing hauled waste.


Tips for Decreasing Landfill Waste

  • Take advantage of the abundant opportunities to recycle around campus.
  • Use loose-leaf paper in a three-ring binder instead of a notebook.
  • Place recyclable materials in their proper bins.
  • Recycle newspapers, as these account for a significant portion of paper waste.

Additional Information

Sustainability at SCU

"Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." -Brundtland Commission

Visit the SCU Sustainability website to learn more about environmentally friendly lifestyle changes and the Sustainability Pledge.