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Setting a section's status to Archive will keep it from being included in the regularly scheduled full-site publish process.

There's really just one end result from setting a section or branch to be archived - it keeps it from being included in the full-site publishing process that runs on a regular, automated schedule throughout the day. We're using the Archive setting for content that changes infrequently, such as policy manuals, past newsletters, or any other area of a site that would likely see infrequent updates (less than one update every three months or so). You wouldn't necessarily see a difference in your own site by setting a section to be Archived - it's still published once a day to the www servers - but archiving contributes to improved performance in the full-site publish process that runs more frequently during the day. Since these infrequently updated pages aren't examined for changes when that process runs, it can focus on the more active and dynamic content and the process takes less time to run. By archiving your most static content, the publishing process runs more efficiently for everyone.

You will find the Archive setting in the section's General settings form.

Archive section form

Key points

  • Selecting the 'Archive section' option excludes the current section and any of its child sections from the regular, frequent full-site publish process
  • The Archive option is recommended for sections or branches with infrequent content changes
  • Archiving static content improves the performance of full-site publishing
  • You can manually publish an Archived section or branch at any time
  • You can remove the Archive setting at any time by editing the section's General settings
  • Archived sections are still published - once a day a full-site publish process runs that includes Archived sections


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