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Delete and Inactivate

The Delete action will set content and sections to an "inactive" state, and remove published content from the www servers.

Deleting Content and Sections

You will see a Delete option when working with content, as well as for a section (or page). When you delete something in T4 it doesn't get removed from the system immediately - it's set to an "inactive" state, and you could re-activate it by editing and saving the content, or by setting the section's status to approved or pending. This is a safeguard against accidentally hitting "delete" and losing valuable content. Although the content remains in T4, setting content or a section to be deleted will remove it from the staging and www servers. If you've published something accidentally, just delete it and let the next publishing run remove it from the servers. Then you can set it back to pending approval and it will remain in T4, but won't publish back to the servers until you approve it.

The same principle applies to sections. If you delete (inactivate) a section, it will remain in T4 but will be removed from the web servers after the next publishing cycle runs. And all child sections of the deleted section will also be removed, regardless of their publishing status. You'd want to set the section back to a pending state if you want to keep it for future use. Inactive content remains in TerminalFour until it's purged.

Key points

  • Deleting sets the content or section to an inactive status
  • Deleting/inactivating content removes it from the site
  • Deleting/inactivating a section removes it and all of it's children
    from the site
  • Deleted (inactive) content is eligible to be purged from TerminalFour
  • Until it is purged, deleted content can be re-activated by editing and saving the content
  • Until it is purged, deleted sections can be re-activated by editing the section's General settings


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