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Frequently Asked Questions

The Alumni Association is free and automatic to all undergraduate and graduate SCU alumni. Any individual who has completed one year of undergraduate study at the University qualifies as an alumnus/a, even if he/she did not receive a degree from SCU. Graduate students must receive a degree from SCU in order to attain alumni status.

To obtain an SCU Alumni Association membership card, please complete the request form. If you have any questions, email or call 408-554-6800.

To submit a request for a letter confirming you're in good standing with the SCU Alumni Association for a discount on car insurance, email

Phone: 866-554-6800
Website: Alumni

Bannan Alumni House
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara, CA 95053

You can Update Your Contact Info and you can view your current contact information by logging into the Alumni Online Directory.

The best way to get contact information for classmates is through the Alumni Online Directory.

The Alumni Association connects approximately 94,000 alumni through Regional Chapters and Affinity & Identity-based Groups. Our geographic chapters are located in areas with large populations of alumni. While the majority of our chapters are in the state of California, we have vibrant chapters in the Pacific Northwest, the East Coast, Texas, Arizona, New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., and Chicago.

If you are moving to a new area where there is an alumni chapter, feel free to contact the chapter president to introduce yourself and learn about the local chapter activities. Chapter mailing and email lists are generated by zip code. Please be sure to Update Your Contact Info with the Alumni Office in order to receive information about events in your area.

If you live in an area where there is not currently a chapter, but are interested in trying to start one, contact the Alumni Office at or call 866-554-6800. Unfortunately, in some areas there is not the critical mass available for a viable chapter. Check with the Alumni Office to determine the possibilities in your area.

To find out what alumni activities are going on in your area go to the online alumni events calendar, check the monthly e-newsletter the Bronco Connect, or Regional Chapters for the chapter near you. Also, please make sure your Update Your Contact Info, so we can send you email invitations to events in your area.

Students who have been in attendance at SCU at any time since fall 2002 can request a transcript by logging into eCampus. For additional instructions for ordering transcripts on Workday here. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Office of the Registrar.

The Mission Santa Clara de Asís is available for Wedding Information and Funerals and Baptisms for SCU students, faculty, staff, and alumni. For more information about Church’s availability call 408-554-4023.

To learn more about the Mission Santa Clara go to Mission Santa Clara de Asís or call 408-554-4023.

Broncos like hiring Broncos! Joining Bronco Exchange is a great way to connect with alumni and share about a job. You can post a job on the University’s LinkedIn Group - check out our LinkedIn tips on how to post a job within the group. You can also share your new position on the SCU Switchboard, and view more alumni resources on the Career Center website.

Yes, the University and Alumni Association established a class audit program in 1975 for the benefit of interested alumni. Through this program, Bronco graduates can audit one undergraduate course per quarter for $50. See Take a Class for more information. We are working with Prepared SCU to gain approval for the Fall 2022 quarter.

The University Library offers resources to students, alumni, faculty, and other visitors online and on campus. To obtain access to the library, you will need to verify your alumni status using an Alumni Association Membership Card.

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