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Room Reservations

Lucas Hall at the Leavey School of Business offers a variety of reservable spaces for Santa Clara faculty, staff, and student organizations, including executive classrooms, conference rooms, and outdoor areas.

If you are looking to book a conference room, event space or use one of the Executive classrooms, you can do so through Astra and our Room Reservation Form, which are included in the quick links. Inquiries regarding events or reservations may be directed to the Leavey FinOP team.

As for the other spaces available, regular classrooms will need to be booked through the Registrar’s Office, and Project Team Rooms run through the SCU Reservations app. Details of these are available in the drop down sections below.

Quick Links

Room Reservation Form (to book the Executive Suite)
Astra (to book conference rooms and event spaces)
Lucas Hall Rooms - Report a Concern Form
Lucas Hall Room Information

Room Policies

  • Regardless of the nature of the event, it is up to the person who booked the room to make sure the room is left clean. This includes picking up trash, disinfecting surfaces, organizing for catering to pick up their equipment, AND putting items left behind in the Lost & Found boxes.
  • The room must also be reset to the standard configuration after every reservation. Standard configuration signs are posted in every space (except the lobby). Please follow these guidelines regardless of how the space looked when you entered it.
  • If you have entered the space and the room has not met these standards, take pictures and immediately report this to the Lucas Hall Rooms - Report a Concern Form.
  • Whatever reservation was booked before the one that reports it will be the responsible party for the room’s condition.
  • For Leavey School of Business reservations, noncompliance with this policy will lead to privileges being suspended and/or revoked. In the case of noncompliance by a Leavey-student association, the associated academic/program unit will be held responsible.
  • For non-Leavey reservations, noncompliance will result in a $500 room charge and privileges being suspended until charge is paid. Further noncompliance will result in room privileges being revoked.
  • Outside food may be brought into any conference or classroom.
  • Catering is available through Bon Appetit, which you are responsible for arranging.
  • Catering service should not be set up in a classroom.
  • The Executive Lounge 105 should be used if you are booking catering and want to use Reddy Executive Classroom 106 or Polycom Executive Classroom 107.
  • All the other conference rooms and event spaces are approved for catering. 
  • It is your responsibility to ensure that catering does not interfere with meetings prior or after your event.  Items should be delivered and picked up without interference to others.
  • If you are having food, clean/disinfect surfaces before you leave.
  • Audio/visual equipment should not be removed from any room.
  • If you are having trouble with the equipment or would like training on how to use it (with advanced notice), reach out to the University’s Media Services Department.
  • Do not remove any of the furniture from the room.
  • If extra chairs are needed in any room, please notify Dukes or Facilities ahead of reservation. They will help organize for you to pick up extra chairs from Forbes if available.
  • If during your event an item of furniture is broken or you enter to find broken furniture, please contact the Leavey FinOP team and place the broken item outside the door or out of the way.
  • For furniture configurations for an event-
    • Reach out to Dukes for the following services (only available October through May):
      • Setups in Forbes and the Bank of America Commons (lobby).
      • Organizing for extra chairs to be available for use in other spaces.
    • Reach out to University Support's Event Services Team who can support the following:
      • Any booking during the months of June-September.
      • Any configurations for Forbes outside of the standard three options or if you need the larger tables moved in the lobby.
      • Tables need to be removed from Forbes.
      • Moving furniture on the Kouzes Posner Terrace.

Reservations Process

  • Most spaces are available to book in Astra. However, the Executive Suite (105, 106 & 107) will only be available to book through our internal Room Reservation Form.
  • To check what when the Executive Suite is available, you can find them by subscribing to the rooms’ Google Calendars:
    • Open your Google Calendar and click on the search bar on the left hand side
    • Click on the plus sign to the right of  "Add a coworker's calendar"
    • Select "Browse resources"
    • Select "Lucas Hall" from the list of options
    • Check off the boxes for the conference rooms you'd like to add
    • The new calendars will appear under "Other calendars"
  • If you need to book recurring meetings in the Executive Suite or just need to use all three spaces for the event, please submit the reservations using the sample spreadsheet.
  • All room requests MUST include setup time and break down time when booking the space. Do not book just the event time.
  • Please allow for at least 48 hours for your request to be processed.
  • Priority is given to meetings or events sponsored by the Leavey School of Business. Events are booked on a first come, first served basis, with exceptions made for grand scale Leavey events or events deemed of high priority by the Dean.
  • If an event is canceled and the room is no longer needed, you are required to release the room. Please email the Leavey FinOp team at least 10 business days in advance of the reservation. Individuals who repeatedly fail to release unneeded rooms may have their reservation rights revoked.
  • There are a two instances where rooms are automatically booked together to reduce noise impact on events:
    • Executive Lounge 105 & Reddy Executive Classroom 106
    • Barsema Conference Room 301 & Kouzes Posner Terrace

Access to the conference rooms:

  • This is via an Onity card, which can be checked out at the Duke Business Service Center during business hours. During the months Dukes is not open, you can check out your card from the Dean’s Suite at the front desk.
  • Onity cards can only be picked up by the person who has made the reservation or the person listed as the Sponsoring Organization Contact. 
  • They are available for pickup prior to your event and must be returned immediately after the event has concluded.
  • If your event is outside of Dukes’ hours, please plan to pick it up before they close and return the following morning when they open. If a card is needed for the weekend, please pick it up Friday afternoon/evening before the reservation and return Monday morning.
  • Only one access card will be given for each event.
  • If the Onity card fails and the room is locked, please ask a Representative from Dukes for support.  If the Onity card fails and the room and Dukes is not open, please call Campus Safety at (408) 554-4441 to have it unlocked.
  • Return Onity card to Dukes as soon as possible. If they are not open, please return the card during their next opening shift.
  • Failure to return Onity cards, after your event, to the Dukes Business Center will result in a $50 fee.  Individuals who repeatedly fail to return their key will have their room reservation privileges revoked for the quarter.

Room Information

For information on all bookable rooms in Lucas Hall, please go to our Room Information page. This page includes pictures as well as lists of furniture, hardware and software availability.

Tabling & Events in the Lobby

The Bank of America Commons 101 (the Lobby) can host tables for Leavey-internal groups and any event booked in Forbes (including non-Leavey events).

  • Tables must always have someone in attendance.  The tabler must stay at the designated location, not wander around or otherwise bring attention to their display.
  • Tables are not to be used as unattended sources of information.
  • Items unattended will be discarded.
  • Audio/visuals are not permitted.
  • The Dukes Business Service Center does not store items.
  • Signage taped behind the table provided is not allowed.
  • Furniture: Tables may only be reserved in designated locations.  Only tables provided by the Dukes Business Service Center may be used; therefore, standard Lucas Hall tables cannot be used for tabling.  A single chair is provided for each table reserved, unless otherwise requested.
  • You can distribute food, but you are responsible for cleanup.
  • The Dukes Business Service Center and the Leavey School of Business reserve the right to define appropriate behavior as needed to ensure a peaceful academic environment.

If you would like a welcome table for your event in Forbes, please note this in your Astra request form, and please submit your request through the Room Reservation Form. Note that this tabling is not guaranteed. You also may not be the only table in the space during that time.

Additional guidelines for employer/partner tabling is available through the Undergraduate Business Programs Department. Please reach out to Brenda Versteeg, Senior Director, Career & Leadership Programs, for further information. Further restrictions may apply.

Large events in the Lobby can only be booked for events sponsored by Leavey. During these events, no tabling will be allowed.

Project Team Rooms

To reserve the break-out areas, students need to go through the SCU Reservations app. Periodic reviews of all reservations will be conducted to ensure fair usage.

Students are STRONGLY encouraged to reserve the breakout rooms online. This ensures that reservations are password-protected and cannot be accidentally deleted by other members of the community.

Classrooms & Lucas Hall Courtyard

To reserve a classroom you must contact the Registrar's office (408-554-4331).

University Events Planning (408-554-6911) manages requests for the outdoor space, Lucas Hall Courtyard. While reservations are made on Astra and run through their team, the Leavey Dean’s Office still has final approval on event requests.