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Leavey School of Business Strategic Priorities

The Mission Statement for the Leavey School of Business defines our values, our distinctive characteristics, our goals, and our motivation.

The mission statement sets a standard for our activities that is consistent with our aspirations. It offers a way to differentiate the Santa Clara Business School experience, and it leaves open the opportunity for the development of new curriculum, new scholarly pursuits,and new programs that change our students and our community.


Our Vision

At the center of innovation, the Leavey School of Business cultivates ethical business leaders who transform the world. 

Our Mission

Inspired by Silicon Valley's spirit of entrepreneurship and innovation, the Leavey School of Business is committed to collaborative learning and original, rigorous, and impactful scholarship.  Through these pursuits we develop principled and creative leaders who transform people, organizations, industries, and society for the common good.


Beyond the Classroom

Get involved outside of the classroom!

The Leavey School of Business offers students extracurricular ways to be involved.

"Conscientious Capitalism forced me, in the best way, to take a critical look at who I am and who I want to be. It allowed me to break the routine that I had developed for myself and empowered me to find the inner purpose that leads my priorities. Throughout this process, I was supported by my extraordinary Leadership Development Team and inspired by accomplished guest speakers. I now approach my decisions with a different perspective and know that I have the tools to build meaningful relationships and find a purpose-driven career."

Tess Sestito,
'21 Bachelor of Science in Commerce, Finance & Business Analytics

Tess Sestito - Tess Sestito Link to file
Regina Howson '22, Finance Major - Regina Howson Link to file

"Joining the Real Estate Association my freshman year has been one of my most rewarding college experiences. I have grown substantially — both professionally and personally — as a result of the Association's unparalleled programs and distinguished network. I am incredibly grateful to work alongside such enthusiastic students on the Executive team and knowledgeable leaders on SCU's Real Estate Advisory Board and I look forward to more events filled with insight, opportunities and genuine passion."

Regina Howson
'22, Finance Major, Real Estate Minor

About the Leavey School of Business

Invent the life you want to lead, join the Leavey School of Business and become a Bronco!


A group of students working on a project
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Learn more about our Leadership!

Lucas Hall Exterior
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Home of the Leavey School of Business explore Lucas Hall.

AACSB Business Accreditation Logo
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Leavey School of Business has been accredited since 1953!

Image for Faculty Governance
Navigate here to Faculty Governance

The faculty of the LSB share in the governance of the School.

LSB Alumni by the Numbers
LSB UG Alumni 
LSB alumni in CEO positions 
LSB Grad Alumni 

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