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Communicating with Digital Signs

Select digital signs in Lucas Hall are intended to be a communication resource for Leavey School of Business students, staff, faculty, alumni, and guests of the School and University.

For internal Leavey requests or student and Student Organization signs within Leavey, please read the guidelines and use the templates and Leavey Digital Sign/Social Media Submission Form below. All submissions will go through the Leavey MARCOM approval process before being displayed.

For requests outside Leavey please submit to the Academic Technology site here:

New (October 2023): Leavey MARCOM will be creating and managing content for all horizontal signs. Departments can continue to submit requests for vertical signs.

Posting on the digital signs is available to communicate about events or news of interest to the SCU business community. Vertical signage may also be included in the weekly round-up on Leavey's Instagram account (@scubusiness) to help promote events happening in Leavey. Content for the digital signs and social media submissions are supervised by the Business School Dean's Office Marketing & Communications team. Display priority will be given to signs submitted from within the School of Business, though non-business-related signs may run at the discretion of the Dean's Office.

Signs run in a looping playlist with each one appearing for approximately 7 seconds. They will run for a maximum of 14 days, however, if you would like to advertise for an event longer than that you can submit a second sign that looks significantly different.

Content must be submitted to the Business School Marketing & Communications office at least 1 week prior to the desired run-date by a recognized University entity for approval. The School of Business reserves the right to edit text and/or design of slides to comply with University and School standards.


Vertical Canva (.jpg or .png)
Vertical PowerPoint (.pptx)

Digital Sign Checklist

Before you start the form, make sure:

  1. Is the sign in the right format?
    We accept .jpg, .png or .pptx formats. You are welcome to use either of our templates provided above.
    Note: If you submit a .jpg or .png that doesn't follow School or University guidelines listed below, we reserve the right not to run it.

  2. Is the sign in the right size?
    The above templates are already sized correctly, but:
    Vertical signs measure 1080 pixels wide by 1920 px high

  3. Is your sign too text-heavy?
    Passers-by must be able to read all information on your sign in the allotted 7 seconds. As a general guideline, signs should contain a maximum of 190 characters of text. We reserve the right to reject any signs that contain too much text information.

  4. Is your sign ADA compliant?
    All campus events must include the following ADA statement with a name and email or phone number to contact for accommodation requests.

    "In compliance with ADA/504, please direct your accommodation requests to [NAME] at [EMAIL or PHONE]."

    Note: If an event sign is submitted without the required ADA text it will not be posted.

  5. Is the sign announcing an event less than one week from now?
    Due to the heavy volume of sign requests, we cannot guarantee less than a 72-hour turnaround. We request you submit your material at least one week before your sign is to go up — and in fairness to your audience, you should run the sign two weeks prior to the event!

  6. Does the sign promote a commercial venture or is it from a non-SCU-related organization?
    Business School editors reserve the right to deny any posting deemed inappropriate for the purposes of digital signage (see above introductory statement).

Questions? Contact us at

Submit Your Digital Sign