S. Andrew Starbird
Professor, Information Systems & Analytics
Dr. Starbird is Director of the My Own Business Institute and a professor in the department of information systems & analytics at Santa Clara University. He started teaching at SCU in 1987 after completing his Ph.D. in agricultural economics at Cornell University. Dr. Starbird also holds a BS from the University of California, Davis and an MBA from Santa Clara University. He served as the interim Dean of the Leavey School of Business in 2009, and as Dean from 2010 to 2015. From 1996 to 2000, Dr. Starbird was director of the Food & Agribusiness Institute at Santa Clara University and in the fall of 2000, he served as director of strategic planning at TransFresh, a company involved with the international transportation of perishables and a subsidiary of Fresh Express.
Professor Starbird teaches classes in operations management, statistics, and complex decision making at the undergraduate, MBA, and executive MBA levels. His research interests include quality control and management, supply chain management, food safety, and contracting. He has published research in Naval Research Logistics, Journal of the Operational Research Society, Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics, Agribusiness: An International Journal,Agricultural Economics, and the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. In 2001, Dr. Starbird completed a three-year term as co-editor of the International Food & Agribusiness Management Review.
Dr. Starbird has received the a number of awards including the Outstanding Contribution to the Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics (2001), Best Article award in the Journal on Chain and Network Sciences (2005), four Leavey School of Business Extraordinary Performance Awards (1997, 2000, 2006, 2007), the Leavey School of Business Extraordinary Service Award (2004), the ACE Outstanding Faculty Award (2004), and the Dean’s Outstanding Teaching Award (1996).
Dr. Starbird has served on the Leavey School of Business rank and tenure committee, the dean search committee, the MBA policy committee, and the Leavey School’s Undergraduate Leadership Team. In September 2007, he was appointed to the Provost’s Council on Diversity, Multicultural Learning, and Inclusive Excellence. He also serves as Faculty Director of the Leavey School of Business undergraduate program. Dr. Starbird recently finished his twelfth year on the board of directors of the Second Harvest Food Banks of Santa Clara and San Mateo Counties. His consulting experience includes work with companies like Becton Dickinson Immunocytometry Systems and Fresh Express.