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Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University

Community Fellows

The Leavey School of Business Community Fellows Program engages business students with local community organizations in year long internship experiences.  

About the Program

Group photograph titled 'LSB Fellows with SCU President' in a room with a fireplace.

The Leavey School of Business Community Fellows Program places talented and committed undergraduate business students in paid, year-long internships at nonprofit and government organizations.  Fellows also enroll in a year-long academic experience to reflect on and explore social justice and economic issues. 




Through hands-on, community-based learning opportunities, LSB Community Fellows:

  • Hone their business skills through real-world applications in organizations often challenged by inadequate resources and skill sets;
  • Gain perspectives on social justice and community engagement, and on how they can incorporate these into their lives while at SCU and after;
  • Make a real difference in our community;
  • Facilitate University and Leavey School strategic goals to strengthen connections with the Silicon Valley community and pursue issues of social justice.

Fellowships require a year- long commitment from students and pay students at a rate competitive with internships in the for-profit sector. Fellows typically work 8-10 hours per week at their placement during each academic quarter. Fellows also participate in a 1-unit seminar during each quarter. The seminar provides academic background on poverty and social issues to inform their work and a venue in which interns can learn from each other, reflect on their experiences, and continue to build a network of relationships in the community.

Student learning from the Fellows program combines social justice with economic observations and  professional development insight. 

John Hong, San Jose Office of Economic Development, Business Development Intern

LSB Community Fellow 2022-2023

"From fostering the strongest and most comfortable learning environment that I have probably ever been in, to opening my eyes to so many different social issues... I have also been able to do more self-reflecting to understand what subjects I care about the most, and everlasting values that I will take with me throughout my college and working career."
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Natalia Rey, San Jose Office of Economic Development, Marketing & Communications Intern 

LSB Community Fellow 2022-2023

“My biggest learnings from my time at the OED orbit around a general understanding of the relationship between community issues and public policy. I can now conclude that the scale of impact among San Jose residents is vast– individuals driven by civic engagement can create high impact through both high or low effort.”
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